Monday, August 5, 2024

Ultra Class 2015 Reveal

Have I done this yet?  I feel like I haven't done this yet.

If you want to go in completely blind, obviously SPOILERS and stay away.

I could possibly change one or two names before release, only this feels pretty locked.  It will appear at the start of the novel just so you have reference since there are so many kids.  The day-long introduction to the class takes up multiple sessions in Seismic Semester and is one of the most complicated things I've ever written.

On the whole, and I know this sounds like sacrilege, I think 2015 is more complex and interesting than 2009, which was very top heavy with a lot of empty names (granted one's I've slowly filled in and can fill in more!).  Having almost finished the novel, I definitely have a couple favorites.  One of which I was very much not expecting when I started...

Maxwell Lamont - Hydromancer

Francisco “Paco” Garcia - Necromancer

Olivia Root Necromancer

Nile Kane - Pyromancer

Sahara Kane Pyromancer

Juliette Maes-Welf - Aeromancer

Dat Bao Nguyen - Electromancer

Adeline Hyde Electromancer

Makoto Ikazuchi Electromancer

Valko Nenov - Sciomancer

Leah Townsend  Sciomancer

Gavin Gullick - Spectromancer

Roshanara “Ra Ra” Davani Spectromancer

Summer Atwell - Cryomancer

Agnar Magnuson Cryomancer

Ella Diaz - Floromancer

Jackson Shaw Floromancer

Reginald “Reggie” Pike - Floromancer

Connor Coney - Faunamancer

Sigrid Erikson Faunamancer

Kailani Kalani Faunamancer

Alessandria Espinoza Faunamancer

Douglas Moseley - Mentimancer

Cicero Yates  - Mentimancer

Divjot Malik - Corpusmancer

Gabriella Harper Corpusmancer

Tatiana Itani Corpusmancer

Chris “Fucks Pigs Chris” Miller Corpusmancer

Chris “Never Seen a Darkie Chris” Olson Corpusmancer

Chris “Cursing Chris” Lee Corpusmancer


  1. How uncommon are Geomancers? Is there a list of most to least common mancy types?

    1. Search "Theory of Anima Dispersion" in FM1 for the numbers. As far as you know, Eugenie Gotha (2001) and Nolan Nicks (2002) graduated just before KH arrived and their are two unnamed Artificers in Class 2016. Also, Christmas Ward is Class 2018, of course.

      Thematically, I just wanted KH isolated with Plutarch and to make KH feel unique, so all geomancers during this period are born outside of America and attend schools beside the Asylum.

  2. Are we going to get some Day of the Dead smartass-ery out of Paco?
