Tuesday, September 24, 2024

First Draft Done

Brain mush.

9/25 Update:  You can't even begin to imagine what a massive weight off my chest this is.  I wrote the first chapter of this novel in 2018!!!  So much insanity in my life and to just have a first draft done, to be able to say, "this is a story," is such a relief.  I have 31 different corrections/rewrites I need to fix so far, need to change a ton of characters from [XXX] to actual names, beautification, clean up, tightening, formatting, all that fun, but...it's officially 225k words of story.  Sessions 81 to 92 to be exact.

I think genre wise, it's probably most accurate to call it magic school slice of life.  I'm sure some percentage of my fanbase addicted to explosions and vampires and dragons might not dig that, but if you love the characters, there's so much time with Val and Miranda and Welf and all the new Singles and Ceinwyn and Plutarch, probably the most Lady that's ever been in a FM novel, Asa has a subplot, Ronaldo and Makayla speak, what's the world coming to!


  1. Hell Yes! Way to go, man! Any new material will provoke an entire series reread, so don't sweat the slice of life book. This ain't a 1950s Analogue serial, you're adding to a rich tapestry here.

  2. A story focused on characters? With KH narrating? Sign me up! Writing has always reminded me of the (Far Side, I think) cartoon of the two physicists with a whole board of equations and the words "Then a miracle happens" written in the middle. You know the beginning; you know the end. Then it just becomes a matter of figuring out (and writing) all the "stuff" that comes in between. So happy for you (and us) to see you reach this point.

  3. Well damn, that sounds fun.
