Monday, October 28, 2024

October Burnination Week #2

Predictably, my left side is just finally starting to heal and feel better as I need to get the right side burnt out on Wednesday.  I swear, I never type Wednesday right.  Wed-there's an n somewhere-day.  Anyway, I've managed to finish the main rewrite/edit/whatever-the-**** on the last chapter, the one bit of work I accomplished this month, looks like.

Means the TO DO list is something like:

  1. Type Session 92 changes into laptop.
  2. Finish Readthrough Notepalooza on FM6 + 3 MancyVerse Moments novels.
  3. Upload 2024 Editions to Kindle
  4. Second Draft of Seismic Semester (sans Session 81 which is locked, you're a good chapter, yes, you are!)
  5. Post Session 81 Preview and Cover Reveal
  6. Subtraction Edit of Seismic Semester
  7. Formatting
  8. Kindle/Copywriting Edit
  9. Beta Read
  10. Release (reminder that I do not release during the Holidays, so even if all goes smoothly [it hasn't been] the soonest would be mid Feb-there's an r somewhere-ary)
But in the near future, back in rest and heal mode for a couple weeks looks like.  Season 2 of Arcane and the Diplomat coming out in that time, two of my favorite shows of the last few years, so I will be entertained at least.  HIGHLY recommend both.  Arcane is a must for anyone.  Diplomat is the most West Wing feeling show I've watched, except if not limited by tv network censoring laws.  Same producers and Alison Janney has been cast as the VP, the West Wing bloodline is very present.

10/30 Update:  Done with the RFA.  Came home, iced up, napped for 4 hours (is it a nap if it's 4 hours?) and now I'm feeling about what I expected the pain level to be at last time instead of the intense misery I was greeting with.  So that's good news that we might not need 2-3 weeks recuperation this go around.  Let's hope we can get back on track with the edit and the pain keeps dropping to a point where I don't have to write the next novel on a phone.  Though I've gotten quite speedy at it after 140k words... 

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