Thursday, November 14, 2024

Minor Update

 6 chapters left on the FM6 readthrough.  20 pages left to type into the laptop from Session 92.

Oh, I'm also losing my mind.

I think the reason why I hate the noteapalooza is it's 100% non-creative grunt work.  Probably speaks to why I put it off for 8 years.  But...not enjoying all.  It just takes FOREVER.

On a positive note, my spinal pain has dropped quite a lot, overall from like 7s to 4s.  Not nearly as much as I hoped, but I can type for much longer periods, including about 1k of new material I came up with while inputting the edited pages into the laptop.

Biggest hindrance is midback pain while sitting for so long and muscle weakness in my left arm.  That grip just feels very light and the movements are very sluggish still.  I'm also quite gun shy about leaping out into new experiments at the moment.  Don't want to reinjure anything by overdoing it.  Like I have about a dozen times in the last three years.

We learn eventually!!!

Don't see the spine docs until next month, will know the next steps then.

Until then, noteapalooza continues and then Edit Slightly-Slower-Than-Usual-Hell.

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