Wednesday, November 23, 2016

Pre-Thanksgiving Quick Notes

1.  So today is the first day in about a year where I woke up and I didn't have to think about FM6.  Second draft is done, formatting is done, all that's left for me is my Kindle Edit and my beta readers doing their job.  It's a weird feeling.  Suppose you could compare it to child birth, but I think that moment of silence after your last kid is off at college is a more apt comparison.  Especially the way in which anything suddenly seems possible and every project you've ever dreamed up can now be started and...which one to choose!?!?!

2.  Gush, choosing Gush.  Not even going crazy on Gush, like...taking it easy working on Gush for the next six months.  Also occasionally giving some loving to FM7's school story (the last one ever, thank the Mancy!), but mostly Gush.  I so need a smaller book right now .  I'm not saying I don't understand the fan rage behind waiting 5+ years for a book, but man do I never want to pop out a 800 page book in a year ever again!  So tired!  FM7 might not be as long as FM6, but it will be pretty long.  It just kind of has to be with having two whole stories take place in it.  Thankful, again, the last one, so here's hoping FM8+ will be more manageable in size!

3.  Speaking of size, FM6 is like if I take FM2 and FM5 and put them together, that's how big this book is.  And it's not like there's anything much to cut either.  Let a couple people read the first half and on asking if they would cut anything I was threatened with bodily harm if I dared to change anything.

4.  Forgot to mention it during the release date announcement, but because of the size FM6 will be priced at $4.99 at release.  If I was a huge Welf-like douchebag I could split this one in two and charge you double price and you wouldn't even really have anything to complain about, because each half would still be equal in story to FM3 and FM4, even if it wouldn't be complete.  So...I think an extra dollar for all the extra work is more than a fair exchange.  Plus, you fans always tell me I should charge more anyway, we are.

5.  This book consumed me.  Especially these last months.  I haven't read a novel by another author in two months.  Haven't played a video game or watched a tv show with a plot for three.  But I'm pretty damn good at killing people in Battlefield 1 now, so there's that...

6.  Still, love plots!  Love characters!  Rise of the Tomb Raider, Deus Ex, Dishonored, Westworld, the Crown, Orphan Black, Flash, last Ilona Andrews and Brent Weeks and Steven Erikson books I still haven't even bought.  All the other stuff I've missed!  New Harry Pooter (yeah, gonna leave that typo in) movie, all mine!  Star Wars next month!  Kick their ass, Vader!  Do it for me, please!  No more Raley being consumed, but consume all the content!  Yummy, yummy content!

7.  As comes up any time I mention the words "beta reader", no, you can't.  No, really, random person on the internet, sorry.  However, there will be a Put Up or Shut Up moment with Gush where anyone who wants to will be able to get a try out and beta read that book and if you do a good enough job, well...

 8.  Less than a month, people!

9.  Put the book into Goodreads so people can already add it if they want:


  1. Recharge those batteries man! Just started Westworld and it's intense. I will gladly pay more for your books man. Even 4.99 is a little low if it's that long. Enjoy the relaxation and the holiday!

  2. Agreed with the price. I love reading books for cheap or free on the kindle. However I'd be more then willing to pay more for your books. By far one of my favorite series. Keep up the great work.

  3. Yeah, 4.99 is more than fair, but would be happy to pay more.

    Happy Thanksgiving!
