Tuesday, November 1, 2016

Pretty Exhausted Quick Notes

1.  My second draft/rewrites are done!  Now I just need to finish the last couple chapters.  Then do another draft for the last half of the book.  Then format it all.  Then do my Kindle copy edit.  Then give it to the beta readers.   All while having major freak out sessions about how it all sucks and how everyone will hate it.  Then there will be something weird going on with Amazon on release day.  THEN AND ONLY THEN will it be released.

2.  I joke but I'm actually really excited about this one.  I do wish I had an extra three months with it, but only because it's my baby and I could probably take it from 100 percent to 101 if I spent that time editing.

3.  Only part that really worries me is that this is an upbeat novel and there's just piece of my being that rebels at that idea and kind of wants to destroy the good moods...but I suppose that's what FM7 is for!

4.  So those of you who thought FM5 was too dark, you should really enjoy this one!

5.  Will also say I'm SHOCKED at how well the school story holds its own.  I thought it would just get blown away, but it's actually really tense every time you cut back to it.

6.  Pretty much had my life consumed by this one.  Was editing for 16 hours straight yesterday.

7.  Also it's insane what a different place the story is in by the time it ends.  Went back to mess with some stuff in chapter 1 to get it ready as a sample for you fans and WOW.  Like....this is the same book?

8.  Sample should come out late this month.

9.  Getting a flu shot today, so I'm using it as an excuse to take a few days off before finishing those last chapters.

10.  If I had to bet I'd say Dec 19th is release day.  But might manage 12th or drop to the 27th right after Christmas still.


  1. Awesomeness! Glad to hear you are going for the flu shot this year. I seem to remember you being pretty sick at the end of last year.

    I'm sure I'll be hitting the refresh button over and over again on amazon from the beginning of Dec.

    1. No need for that quite, I should have a release date for you fans sometime this month. But as always when the day comes, yeah, who knows how long it will take to get put up on Amazon, so refresh away!

      Also I did get a flu shot last year :(

  2. My heart literally stalled a beat from joy at the proposed release dates--yay!

  3. Well this came out at the perfect time i just finished rereading books 1-5 time to finish all the shorts now. Also i was wondering if you could (or have) posted a timeline for the books and shorts so i can reread them in the proper order next time. Thanks as always.

    1. Suggested KHT Reading Order:

      Little King Henry
      Conquering Hero
      Friendship is Madness
      Second Take
      Meet the Bonnies
      King Henry and the Three Little Trips

  4. Timing works for me too, just finishing up Dresden Files.

  5. I'm extra keen to see FM6 pop up on amazon so I can pre-order it. I have a gift card burning a hole in my pocket that I've set aside just for King Henry

    1. Sorry, no pre-orders. The way Amazon does pre-ordering is detrimental to Indie authors. An Indie wants the most sales concentrated as possible to make the biggest sales rank splash. What pre-orders do is space what should come in days to weeks or months, diluting your release pop.

    2. Bugger, oh well, I'll have to keep a close eye on the release and try to grab it on the first day. I've introduced my writing group to the novels as well so hopefully you'll get a nice spike from Australia when FM6 goes live.

  6. Super crappy day at work. Sometimes planes can be just C#@$!Thought i might reread all the king Henry books again. Comfort reading if you will.

  7. So I have to say a couple things one is belive you to be a great author with original story ideas that are not only worth while but engaging simply put thanks for not being another shitty dresden clone and making something I couldn't put down since he punched welf in the face ....That being said what the fucking bro been waiting for like a year for this sequel and I'm pretty disappointed I'm still with out the literature equivalent of if Harry Potter fucked trail trash Lyndsay Lohan with less VD I've been stewing in my shitty call center job rereading the mixed Mancy artist again wondering for the 100th time were the fucking bikini babe uzi scene is gonna ever happened and I can't deal anymore I want a new book good sir post hast if I to wait till after Christmas I'm stealing everyone's present and burning them in whoville

    1. Don't worry, the wait is almost over. Also, make sure you read King Henry and the Three Little Trips if you haven't already!

    2. Yes I did totally loved it ! I wanna read about tee bone kicking ass though can't have a big black guy who can throw lightning and not have one mortal combat scene

    3. Yes I did totally loved it ! I wanna read about tee bone kicking ass though can't have a big black guy who can throw lightning and not have one mortal combat scene
