Thursday, December 29, 2016

Looking Forward at 2017

So, right out of the gate: don't expect FM7 until very late in 2018 at the earliest.

I published 1,100 pages of content this year.  If you are unsure:  THAT'S A FUCKTON.  I am in no place mentally to immediately go into working on FM7, not even close to it.  Even parts of FM6 started to show some rust, especially the editing process.  There are whole weeks and even months of 2016 that I just can't remember.  It took a lot out of me and I need time to recover.

Of course, I'm a writer, so I will write because writing is just what I do, just not as obsessively and on different, smaller subjects.

So far the line up is Gush, my action adventure fantasy following Ullie and Merr in their attempt to survive the Great Course, two KH novellas, FINALLY getting around to the print on demand versions, King Henry Book Pack One which will be FM1-3 at a cheaper price than sold separately,  probably starting FM7s school story (the last one!), and another project I'm going to leave super secret for now, but I'm incredibly excited about starting.

So...lots of stuff!  Just smaller and at a slower pace as I recover.  There will also be a personal issue continuing to play out this year.  It's not me, I'm fine, but...shits not fun, yo!  I'll continue to ask you to respect my privacy on the issue and to please be understanding as it plays out.  Just know if there are weeks or even months where entertaining people doesn't seem that important to me, that will be the reason why.

Oh, the first novella is going to be called Assault on Dread Fortress Paine and will feature Eva and T-Bone POVs.  Probably be 20 to 30k long if I had to guess.  It will take place barely a day or two after FM6 and I think you can guess the plot from the title.  The second will be two stories working together, a couple weeks after FM6.  One will be called Welf Family Gala and the other will be called Price Family Shitshow.  A T-Bone POV for the first as Vicky visits home and not sure if I'll stay with KH for the second or maybe try someone else.

As usual, whatever I write, it will be a damn good story!

Sunday, December 18, 2016

The Pit of No Return Discussion Thread (spoilers...duh!)

I know my fans still have trouble finding others to talk with the series about so consider this a writer free wonderland for you to chat and discuss the book with each other.

The Pit of No Return (FM6) is Out!!! give a poor guy a heart attack with a mention it might take 72 hours to publish and get him to click the button early and then it comes out in an hour.  King Henry Price, even his release dates fuck with your expectations!


The Pit of No Return by Richard Raley on Amazon Kindle US
The Pit of No Return by Richard Raley on Amazon Kindle UK

Edit:  We're already in the top 2k on Amazon, think you can push it higher?

Edit2:  Looks like our rank capped out at 1,200 last night and is holding at around 1,500 today, making FM6 easily the quickest selling book in the series.  Though, one always hopes for more!  The real test will be in how many people end up buying FM1 in the next couple months, since growing the fan base is the most important part of releases.  If you're looking to help out beyond just buying the book then think about giving a fair and honest review once you've finished it.

So...Good News/Very Bad News

I woke up and finally filled in all the info for Pit of No Return on Amazon, but while doing so noticed that since my last time publishing in February they've changed their timeline for publishing to not be a 24 hour window (reasonable) but now 72 hours (are you fucking serious!?!?!).

This is...very shitty.

As such I've already pressed the button to publish just moments ago instead of waiting. might have the book in a couple hours.  Or you might not have it until Wednesday.

And there's nothing I can do about it.

Drone deliveries?  Sure.

Walk Out Computerized Grocery Stores?  No problem.

Making KDP a precise process?  Never.

Saturday, December 17, 2016

24 Hours To Go


To avoid the problem we had with FM5.5 I'll be hitting publishing at 2PM PST tomorrow.  After that, whether it takes 2 hours, 12, or 24 to finally be for sale, it will all be in Amazon's hands.

Wednesday, December 14, 2016

Tuesday, December 13, 2016

Less than a Week Until FM6!


So close!

On the 17th I'll be locking down the release copy.

On the 18th, as usual, I'll be clicking the publish button early, probably 5PM to 6pm PST, so I suppose there's a chance you might get the book a few hours early depending on how quickly the robots feel like doing their jobs...

19th, release day and a quick celebratory trip to the movies to watch Rogue One for the author!

Some advice while reading FM6:  take your time.  It's a big one with a lot going on, watch how much skimming you do or you could miss something important!  Reading!  Not Matrix brain injection, okay?

FM5.5 is Free Dec 14th to Dec 18th

You listening stubborn ass fans of mine still haven't read my side novels/shorts?  Free copy.  Wednesday to Sunday.  Go get it.  Read it.  Last chance before it's spoiled by the new book.


Saturday, December 10, 2016

Tuesday, December 6, 2016

Waiting Game Quick Notes

1.  FM6 is 99.99% finished.  My last edit is done, have 2 beta readers I'm still waiting on, but other than that, the book is the book it will be when released.

2.  Which means:  mini vacation!!!!!

3.  Woohoo!!!!!

4. I got to read a page of a book that wasn't one of mine for the first time in 3 months!  Felt so good!

5.  Even made a list of all the games, shows, and books I need to catch up on, so excited for the upcoming R&R for RR!

6.  So how do I feel about FM6?  Hardest book I've ever written.  Perfect?  No.  None are, many scenes and moments I'm proud of.  Can't wait to read all of your thoughts on it in a little under 2 weeks now!

7.  Not even in a place to think about the future yet, need to get rid of all the burnout first.  Lots of ideas, biggest problem with me after I finish a project is always that I have so many ideas and I only get to focus on a few at a time...argh!  Where's the cloning machine when you need it?

8.  Got no proof, but I'm pretty sure Brandon Sanderson IS a team of clones.

9.  Know Gush is on the plate, know I'll be slowly and occasionally writing FM7s school story, have 2 different novellas I could write from TBone's POV, actually thought up a Eva/Boomworm combo novel I could do if I wanted.  Print copies, as always...bunch of standalone novels I could write, and a few new series I could prep for starting after FM7 is out in a couple years.

10.  If only I had Ceinwyn Dale's foresight...

11.  But for now:  mini vacation!!!!!

Sunday, December 4, 2016

Two Weeks Until FM6!!!

This is about the time I'll be clicking the button to publish on Amazon two weeks from now.

Also about the time some of you will be searching and refreshing "Richard Raley" over and over if the past is any indication!

Book is like 99% done already.  Have about 7 chapters of typo hunting to do personally and still waiting on a few beta readers, but other than that, everything is looking good.

Really proud that I finished the 800 page behemoth in a year like this.  Far and away my most productive year as a writer.  And what a book, been imagining the last scene since I started working on the series and I'm really happy with it and all the rest.

Hope you fans end up liking it too :)

Think you can push it into the Top 1000 in Amazon sales this time around?

Friday, December 2, 2016

FM6 Beta Reader Reactions (no spoilers!)

"I thought it was brilliant."

"The book's a monster!"

"Salute. You nailed plenty of feels in this one man."

"The way you deal with character interactions and dialogues is the best."

"I don't even know where to start. Fucking awesome is a start I guess."

"The complete opposite of [middle books]."

"It seems like you've kicked [King Henry's voice] into overdrive."

"Felt like the last book in a trilogy."

"Holy fuck balls."

"Man, I don't know, I'm just overwhelmed. This is by far your best book. I don't know what to talk
about, there are so many things."

"Holy shit this book is long. I feel like I've been reading forever and still only 40% through. THIS IS AMAZING."

"So much information, so much great stuff happening . . . I will admit to being extremely impressed because [I've] only read half of it and I already feel like I've read an entire novel."

"Family missed me the last day, but it was worth it."

"I stayed up waaaay too late last night because I had to finish."

"I'm not lying when I say that I actually look forward to these books more than even Dresden now."

Just over two weeks to go!  Give the beta readers a hand, they've already caught over 300 typos/mistakes/brain glitches this go around!