Tuesday, December 6, 2016

Waiting Game Quick Notes

1.  FM6 is 99.99% finished.  My last edit is done, have 2 beta readers I'm still waiting on, but other than that, the book is the book it will be when released.

2.  Which means:  mini vacation!!!!!

3.  Woohoo!!!!!

4. I got to read a page of a book that wasn't one of mine for the first time in 3 months!  Felt so good!

5.  Even made a list of all the games, shows, and books I need to catch up on, so excited for the upcoming R&R for RR!

6.  So how do I feel about FM6?  Hardest book I've ever written.  Perfect?  No.  None are, many scenes and moments I'm proud of.  Can't wait to read all of your thoughts on it in a little under 2 weeks now!

7.  Not even in a place to think about the future yet, need to get rid of all the burnout first.  Lots of ideas, biggest problem with me after I finish a project is always that I have so many ideas and I only get to focus on a few at a time...argh!  Where's the cloning machine when you need it?

8.  Got no proof, but I'm pretty sure Brandon Sanderson IS a team of clones.

9.  Know Gush is on the plate, know I'll be slowly and occasionally writing FM7s school story, have 2 different novellas I could write from TBone's POV, actually thought up a Eva/Boomworm combo novel I could do if I wanted.  Print copies, as always...bunch of standalone novels I could write, and a few new series I could prep for starting after FM7 is out in a couple years.

10.  If only I had Ceinwyn Dale's foresight...

11.  But for now:  mini vacation!!!!!

1 comment:

  1. "Eva/Boomworm combo novel"? I would pay good money for that :)

    Thanks for your hard work. I am really looking forward to FM6 and just about to start the read through in preparation.
