Sunday, December 18, 2016

The Pit of No Return Discussion Thread (spoilers...duh!)

I know my fans still have trouble finding others to talk with the series about so consider this a writer free wonderland for you to chat and discuss the book with each other.


  1. Bought it this morning and I'm desperately trying to find reasons to stare intently at my phone during work so I can read it. So far its a cracker, but I'm only about 10% along. Oh well, guess we won't be getting much sleep tonight. Worth It!

  2. Typo at kindle location 2684- should be bawling instead of balling. ... No, I don't have anything better to do, stop asking!

  3. Got mine in South Africa.
    Now to get out of work.....

    1. Done, done, done.

      Called al least 3 of the big plotlines. Eish.
      But will reserve full commentary after my second read through.

      Just a point of order: we never hunted blacks in South Africa.
      That shit was all Australia.
      Just saying.
      But I did like the shoutout.

  4. I'm about 10% in, too--had to shut it off at midnight so my husband would quit waking up from the light being on. Sigh...

  5. Finished it 5am this morning. Must say it's the best book by a big margin so far regarding the main story line. So many revelations and great scenes.

    The school story was good as well but I'm a Plutarch fan so I still rank the previous one higher

    Hard to pick a favourite scene but I'll go with the hug scene followed by the ending

  6. Just finished it. Can I have the next yet?

  7. Great read, so many revelations, so much new information, new ideas and guesses towards the future or the story and characters. So good.

  8. Just finished first read. Going to re-read it again just to pick up on things I missed in my first furious read through.

    First impressions... holy shot is this a big book. You were right, you could have easily split this into two books so thanks for keeping it as one.

    So many pops and cool moments. Loved the ending. I wanted it to keep going! Great character development in this, even more so than book 5,

    School story was good but not your best. Could be because so much of it had already been teased in earlier stories. Still a solid story.

    I know we won't get more khp for a while but I'm looking forward to more about Eva, Susan (and welf?) And the return of Annie b. I so hope she joins team needs a better name.

    1. I'm guessing Annie will be back for book 7 since she seems to appear every three books. 1, 4, 7?. She was also mentioned and teased a good bit in this one regarding her current situation after being glassed so would make sense.

  9. Adult Welf is really growing on me. I really hope there are scenes with Welf and Susan in the future, without King Henry around, even just a short. I don't see them being in a normal relationship, but I think her friendship could really humanize Welf. He's still a pompous ass, but i like the idea of him being able to relax and just CHILL for a few minutes.

    Anyone else think it would be fun to go camping with Pocket and Jesus? Or go drinking with them? Maybe both at the same time with that silly RV? So entertaining.

    I liked seeing the school story played out, even if the big picture could already be pieced together. It's the story telling and details that really make this story fun. I didn't realize Athir would have a not so happy ending, but I liked the memory transfer bit and the way it really screwed with KH's brain. I liked the way the memory kept changing, with details falling away and the trees melting. Like a bad, bad acid trip.

    All in all I think this book tied up a lot of loose ends from the previous books, and just set us up for a whole lot more to come. I can't wait to find out what kind of artifacts Paine had stashed away.

  10. Finished yesterday. Liked the main story thread quite a bit, although I'm not Team Val by any means (sorry), and I found the scene at the end with the guild a little off. But lots of cool developments and interesting stuff. The school story was hamstrung a bit by the fact that it was pretty obvious from the start who was responsible (between hints in the events of the book and what we already knew from past books) and there being a lot less interaction between the various class members (other than welf, a bit of miranda, and athir). Loved the scene of KHP crashing the council meeting though. Kind of a fan of Mama Welf too.

    1. Team Miranda! King Henry needs some ginger in his life.

  11. I'll have to be vague to avoid any spoilers though I don't think this really could be considered a spoiler since it is a small part of this book and mostly focuses on speculation for future books.

    But regarding the Ceinwyn revelation as to why she and the Dean doesn't want King Henry and Val being together. I wonder regarding the hate sex between him and Isabel in the Ouroboros. I mean she is a Maximus also. She could just as easily get pregnant as Val. Much more likely actually since she wouldn't bother taking precautions like birth control, and probably would love having his child.

    1. Egads... I think I just threw up a little at that theory :( and can totally see it.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. Also adding onto this she probably could be fertile whenever she wants because of her mancy giving her control of her body.

    4. I have been having waves of nausea every time I contemplate this.

    5. Wow! Hadn't occurred to me at all, but really cool insight. I do also wonder if , given the body control that Soto crazy has, could she act like a kangaroo and hold the foetus in stasis, until such time that it's safe to give birth?

      I did spot the Susan being held by the curator earlier, little disappointed that RR still made her sane-ish. Could have made for an interesting future if she's shit-house rat crazy and KH has the pressure of protecting her from the learning council as well as trying to correct anima madness.

    6. The stasis thing is what worries me.

    7. Oh geeze, this is so dreadfully believable that I can hear RR laughing in glee...

  12. Finished after being holed up for three days and making my family subsist on frozen pizza. First time I have felt the urge to use the phrase "holy fuck balls", but wow what a book! Thank you for finally explaining Welf's knee injury. I really want to hear about his breakup with Hope when he found out she was genetically modified. And I think so far (first reading) my favorite scene is the end when KH confronts the Guild. A-freaking-mazing. I about jumped up and down cheering. I so want this series to become a movie. And I was thinking on the drive home tonight that I am glad that this series came out after the 80's--back then the role of KH would have been handed to Matt Dillon and he would have ruined it. Now we have a fighting chance of an actor nailing KH in all his glory. Loved this book!

  13. Who do you guys picture Val looking like (actress wise)? Don't know why but I kinda feel like she would look like a younger slightly different and more australian gwyneth paltrow

  14. Doesn't Gwyneth Paltrow have a mini me daughter?

    1. no idea. or a blonde deborah anne woll or however you spell it

  15. Superb, as expected. Now we just have to pressure RR to keep Val alive to the end... Her odds aren't looking good :(

    1. Horrific thought, but I agree--I kinda hold my breath every time she is in battle mode.

    2. Is it wrong that I'm kind of looking forward to KH going completely full on psychotic after Val gets knocked off? I can almost picture the scene. I assume the crater resulting would be something like the meteorite that killed the dinosaurs off.

    3. That is a level of grief that could rend a world in two...

    4. Sooner Val is out of the picture KHP can break the world and then rebound with Miranda :D

    5. I dunno. I just don't see him ending up with Val... They work great together, but I can't help but think RR has something more fiendish in store for us...

    6. I think that all the "ginger nemesis" bs is to much protesting. And in the future, KH and Miranda are married & have kids. But never thought it would be because Val was dead! Ugg!

    7. Go back to book one, second chapter called Session 105. It's the one time he's speaking from the future about his teenage daughter and mentioning how she found the tapes, quote "Listening about her mother as an object of sexual desire,..."

      While the description is softening, Miranda has yet to be described as an option of sexual desire.

  16. Please don't encourage him, Todd.

    You just know he wants to... :)

  17. Do we know how many books will be in this series and how it will evolve into the next set of books?

    1. 12 in the Tapes and a 3 to 5 book third person POV series after called World War Mancy to wrap it up.

    2. And we'll get them all before 2020, right?????
