Thursday, July 20, 2017

2017-2018 Release Estimates

Alternate Post Title:  Watch as RR is proven way too optimistic about his ability to dodge the plague yet again.

August 2017:  New cover roll out starts.

October 2017:  King Henry Book Pack One release, Print On Demand versions roll out starts.

November-December 2017:  Assault on Dread Fortress Paine release window.

February-March 2018:  The Glassbreaker Goes Home release window.

May to August 2018:  Gush release window.

November 2018:  FM7 release if it manages to sneak into 2018.

So, that's my best guess on the future.  The post FM6 vacation still has me playing catch up, but on the other hand...I'd probably be in a real asylum if I hadn't taken one, so there's that!  Just wanted to keep you fans informed, I know from the other side how a lack of communication can cause serious angst between a writer and their fan base and that's the last thing I ever want between us!

If I ever cause you angst I want it to be because I destroyed all your shipping hopes and dreams ;-)

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