Wednesday, July 26, 2017

Watching, Playing, Reading #2

Watching:  GLOW.  I thought I might like this one at least a little bit, instead I ended up loving it completely.  There's a lot of 80s nostalgia going around (Stranger Things having nailed the Spielberg/Goonies/Stephen King vibes to perfection of course) but something about GLOW just hit the glam metal, big hair cock binge party 80s for me.  There's even a training montage where Stan Bush's Dare starts playing, also known as the other song from the Transformers: The Movie soundtrack after The Touch.  It hit my childhood right in the feels.

Playing:  Hearthstone.  My fingers are still pretty touch and go if not screaming in pain, so I've been keeping away from more active games.  But a card game on a tablet where I only need a single finger proved within my ability for the occasional diversion.  Haven't played since before Mean Streets launched, so I got to experience the returning player experience.  9 free classic packs, about 3500 free dust, not bad.  Ended up dusting some of my wild format collection as well and luckily control mage and control paladin decks focus heavily on classic cards, so cheap enough to put them together with plenty of dust left over.  Also they're giving a free arena run every week at the moment and that's fun.

Reading:  Wildfire by Ilona Andrews.  Yeah, really, I'm reading a paranormal romance novel.  I watched the Good Wife too, you wanna fight, bro?  I will admit this is one of those where I'm glad Kindles have removed the fact you have to physically hold a book, because that cover, man...  Do recommend all of their writing though especially the Kate Daniels series (it's actually a husband a wife writing duo), solid reads all around and the Top 1% of creativity in the genre.  Really remember to rely on the Fantasy over the Urban, with some good world-building.'s summer treating you?  Getting some entertainment in through the heat?  Inc a week over 100 for Fresno, cuz of course!


  1. I actually love the Hidden Legacy books as well, but yeah, those covers..... I actually found Ilona Andrews through the Innkeeper series which I discovered while on a serial novel binge a few years ago. I haven't picked up the Kate Daniels books because I've been cutting down my book purchases cause I'm poor and so signed up for KU. Fortunately for RR I started KHT before I signed up so after reading in KU I have to buy a copy to keep. Plus I reread them a lot.

    1. I've read 350+ books in less than a year on KU so I rarely read anything that's not on there anymore... Before that I was only purchasing a few books every few months and rereading through my library over and over again. My job at a lobby desk allows me to read a lot during the day so I ended up reading KHT all the way through at least 7 times counting the most recent (more for the first few books)
      So I really hope you recover and get the next one out. Can't wait for the Shorts. I've recently gotten into a LitRPG binge. Would really recommend Dark Dungeon.

  2. Lindsay Buroker and Becca Andre are my go-tos for the fantasy genre. Becca has really nailed the urban fantasy part. Though I fall back on KHP at least once a year!
