Wednesday, August 2, 2017

Quick Notes August

1.  So I got the cover proposal (kind of like a first draft) for the new FM1 cover yesterday and it's completely Urban Fantastic.  Not sure when I'll get the final version to show you fans, but it shouldn't be much longer.  Then we get to do it five more times in a row!  So excited!

2.  Writing the Vicky Welf POV makes me so upbeat...

3.  Which makes me think back to what writing a scene with Obadiah Paine in it used to do to my mood...oh well, I guess thanks to King Henry I never have to write a POV from him, do I?

4.  I finally managed to find a Nintendo Switch...I only use it for Mario Kart at the moment and promise you fans I won't dare start playing Zelda Breath of the Wild until after all the releases this year.  Cuz I have a feeling that'll be a few weeks of complete addiction if I do.  Which would be bad, right?

5.  Dota 2 International 2017 starts today.   The prize pool this year is over 23 million dollars and competition looks fierce.  I'll be watching Twitch with one eye and writing with the other the next couple weeks.

6.  So HOT!!!

7.  First sentence tease for Assault on Dread Fortress Paine...

Within one second of liftoff, Tyson Bonnie knew--without any doubt at all--that he did not like helicopters.


  1. Looking forward to the new covers... and the new shorts even more so!
