Thursday, March 22, 2018

Pre FM6.5 Quick Notes

1.  So about 24 hours until I hit the button and then everything is in Amazon's hands.

2.  The beta readers have saved you from a little over 100 typos this go around.  I'm sure some remain.  Feel free to email me after release and I'll get to them eventually.

3.  Only slight change to the book is its about 500 words lighter, the cuts coming at the very beginning to make the first scene quicker.  That first scene also now ends on a bit of a mouth dropping moment that should make Tyson's anxieties and equivocations EXTRA unbearable :)

4.  Beta readers are liking the "final" fight quite a lot, so...yay!

5.  Other news, I'm having to come up with a whole new ultra class since FM7's school story deals with King Henry as a student-advisor.  Those poor children.  Of course if you read King Henry and the Three Little Trips then you know who two of them are and some of what will be going down.  Last school story, no more, yay!

6.  Big storm tonight :(

7.  Have 14 more WWE PVPS to catch up on before Wrestlemania.  Last year I went through 2011 to halfway through 2015, last couple months has been 2015 to 2018.  I'm hearing the entrance music in my sleep at this point.  And not the good ones either.  Like a week ago I has Carmella's entrance stuck in my head on a loop for like 48 hours.  It was horrible!

8.  You fans ready?

9.  Feels good to be publishing again!  Last year was rough.  Here's hoping I keep kicking some ass!


10.  Button has been pressed.  As usual, it can take either 1 hour (like FM6) or 3 days (FM5 took about 24 hours if I remember right) for it to go through, so, start refreshing I guess?

11.  And now I'm going to go distract myself by blowing up rebel scum in Battlefront 2.  Which is only 20 bucks now and the progression system isn't evil any longer,'s kind of okay-ish.


  1. I really want to read FM6.75 - Redwind Loses her Shit. I think you can get at least a 500 page rant in there when she finds out KH and Boomworm are back together :)
