Friday, May 18, 2018

The Glassbreaker Goes Home is Done


Done.  Done.  Done.

Editing and all that to do, so...maybe it will come out in June?  Or July, probably July.  No huge rush.  I mean...I know, I know, you want it NOW, but...I'm going to take the time to do the extra edit this time around, cut some stuff, all that jazz.

I know I can be excessive in some areas or I could probably kill more of my babies, I can admit I love the talk before a fight a whole lot more than the fight itself, and, yes, I was lazy and sick while editing FM6.5 so some of the Tyson parts were a bit much, but I like being excessive, so there! a person with anxiety problems...that's how it feels sometimes, people!  Like you can't do anything but think!  ...Now you know.  Where was I?  Oh, have I mentioned how much I've grown to hate the term "filler"?  Every novel I've written except the first I've had someone accuse me of writing filler.

Rant on:  filler is an anime term.  It's about how studios FILLED in original manga stories with their own much crappier side stories that affected nothing.  Being I'm an author of my own original work, I CAN'T WRITE FILLER.  THEY'RE CALLED CHARACTER MOMENTS OR WORLD-BUILDING, JACKASS.  IF YOU DON'T LIKE IT AND ONLY WANT TO READ ABOUT EXPLOSIONS OR PEOPLE PUNCHING EACH OTHER THEN FUCKING SAY SO AND STAND ON YOUR OWN PREFERENCES, STOP USING BUZZWORDS.  DON'T YOU DARE START TYPING "DEUS EX MACHINA", STOP IT RIGHT NOW!

/rant off

Too far?  It's a little much...

So I really enjoyed writing this one.  The last year and a half has been a struggle.  Well...more like total complete bullshit.  Dead dog.  Dying grandfather.  Really sick father.  Actual jury duty.  The Last Jedi...

Oh yeah.  It's equal to all that shit.  I've read over a hundred Star Wars novels in my lifetime and even the one with the weird ass bug commune shit was more coherent than that disaster.  And the opportunity cost, my god, how much storytelling possibility they just...jerked away.  But I'm breaking my negative rule so...we'll stop.


Back on track:  this story, especially in the last month, has reminded me what I love about being an author.  Just...character stuff and conversations and reactions to reactions.  It's a story that doesn't start with much of a plot and manages to find a small one by the time it's over.  I laughed a ton writing it, teared up a couple times too.  Tiny Not-So-Spoiler:  There's this moment between Susan and Val that I couldn't even see the page through the tears because I could just imagine Ceinwyn giving this same speech to this 14 year old Valentine who's terrified of what she is and man did it hit me hard.  It's just one moment in a hundred.  There's another scene where Val and KH are in his childhood bedroom joking around for ten pages that I completely love too.  That's it.  Ten pages of jokes.  Doesn't need to be more.

Of course I've been up for 24 hours, wrote 30+ handwritten pages today, and...well, I really feel my wrist right what do I know?  Kinda regretting that rant a little bit...


But...I feel this is a fan's fan kind of work.  If you're the type of person who read FM6 and thought all that bit in the middle needed to be thrown out and PLOT PLOT PLOT, then...go ahead and skip it.  If you really dug the fact that there was a reaction scene to KH spilling about Paine to Val and then ANOTHER to Ceinwyn and you got to see how they're similar and how they're different and how it all effects the story going forward, then I think you'll love this.  It's not on that HUGE REVEAL level, but...

I'm going to sleep now.

More updates in a couple weeks, maybe?

Fuck me I have to type all those pages into the computer...

Maybe I'll just procrastinate it and write some FM7 instead?

Sleep!  We wants it!


  1. Man, I can't wait! And from my point of view I think the character moments are part of what makes the series so good, and I always love the non-KH PoVs in the novellas. Have read every one, and will continue to do so.

    There's a ton of action-based, characterless urban fiction (and sci-fi, and fantasy) out there - it's the world-building and realistic, fully-dimensional characters that make the Martins and the Rothfusses (Rothfi?) stand out. And the beauty of "The Slow Regard of Silent Things" that almost makes me forgive the latter for not just getting on and writing book 3!

  2. I'm most interested in the character driven moments! Thank you so much for writing believable ones!

    PS: A kid from the Make a Wish foundation asked for a day creating a monster for D&D. It is called the Oblex. It is highly similar to FM vampires. If your interested, look up "Meet D&D's New Scariest Monster In 'Mordenkainen's Tome of Foes'". Anyways thought this was interesting.
