Monday, May 28, 2018

Cool Notes

1.  It's almost June and we had an under 70 degree high the other day.  In FRESNO.  Weird, weird, weird...yes it's shooting up to 100 in a couple days, but...I'll take what I can get!

2.  Sticking with the handwriting for now even though I've moved to work on FM7's school story.  Just really nice not having to sweat under a laptop during the summer.  Bit more difficult with FM7 since the tape recorder, first person POV is much stronger and I really want to be able to go full stream of consciousness at times and my poor, poor fingers can only write so quick compared to typing, but...we're going to try it.

3.  Traditionally summer months are my lowest production months so hopefully this combats that.  September being the worst's not only hot but also my birthday time and what's a birthday without a little bit of depression and malaise?

4.  I don't know who posted or tweeted or what you did, but thanks to whoever went around spreading the gospel of King Henry last week.  I got a sudden influx of new buys on FM1 totally out of nowhere, even shot up to the TOP 5k on the ranked list.  More proof that if you fans want to grow the series yourselves, the power is very much in your hands, maybe even more so than this marketing adverse author.

5.  I'm watching anime again...send help...

6.  Got the covers for FM7 done.  Runaway Rumble and Most Obvious Trap on the plate!

7.  My cat turned 15 a few days ago and she is currently running around the house spreading terror...I don't think she's gotten the memo about old age yet.

8.  Likely will be staying away from the net and just writing over the next month so at least wait until July to start the "are you alive" comments, okay?


  1. Great to read that you’re selling more! So you can write FT instead of flipping burgers. ��
    Take it easy, we’ll still be here when you’re finished. Foul Mouth is one of my favourite characters.
    Kind regards,

  2. It's so infuriating when an author has to actually take time to write a novel, novella, or even a short story. Maybe it's just as bad for an author. I know you guys need to decompress, too. So I get it. But, damn, I don't want to wait AT ALLL! At nearly 70 years old, I can't wait for fucking ever! So, do what you can, and I'll keep buying your stories as long as I can. (Sorry if I made this "life and death", but my life will be meaningless without a conclusion to The King Henry Tapes.) Too much ?, Fuck it, I'm desperate.

    1. Of course it's extremely frustrating for authors too. Especially since I've gotten to a point where I have so many different stories and characters in my head that I'd have to live to 200 to tell them all. So...some of those stories are never going to be told. Some of those characters will never breathe a single breath.

      King Henry isn't the end for me, he's just the beginning :) And you lot probably won't believe this, but on my personal list, he's not even my favorite, he's all the way down at #5. When I started the KHT, it wasn't MY ONE STORY I MUST WRITE, it was with the knowledge that I was extremely young for an author (I still am actually) and that instead of going with MY ONE STORY I MUST WRITE I should start with something else as a learning experience.

      That said, I think I've rocked the hell out of it ;)

      And, yes, let's hope I finish it in the next decade, for your sake and mine! your veggies. Lots and lots of veggies.
