Tuesday, January 8, 2019

No Updates Really...Just Life Shit

At least not for the parts you're really interested in as I'm not writing at the moment.

Not even like...Being Lazy not writing or Playing Video Games not writing, like...Did Not Get a Chance to Open Up My Laptop kind of not writing.  For all of December and this first week of January and...let's hope it ends soon, but who knows?

The family illness is still going, so on one end...Grandpa is a BAMF and he's still fighting.  On the other end...hurts to see him in pain and terrifies us all every time he needs surgery.  Or the latest a couple weeks ago which was an emergency blood transfusion.  And would he let anyone go with him to it?  No.  Drove himself and then drove back, cuz...BAMF.

I could type out paragraphs and paragraphs about how the family is coping or not coping.  Me...I don't know.  If I get through the day without a panic attack or tearing up then I'm pretty happy.  That's my measuring stick for life at the moment.  I've also been sick twice, saw a doctor for the first time in 17 years, and get to enjoy these lovely high blood pressure pills that make me urinate every hour on the hour.  Look at me, I'm a grown-up now!

But, I suppose it's better this way than it was before.  Also have a bunch of niggling little problems with me that look like they'll be taken care of this year, but I won't go into details because is there any more eye-rolling conversation than one where a person starts talking about all their stupid health problems?

I'm not going to implode at any second, I suppose you'll have to settle for that.

So yeah, doctors and plagues, and family stuff.

Never felt this disconnected from my own writing before.  I am doing a reread on the series, started with the school side.  Idea being that I'll finish it hopefully as things calm down and be able to quickly blast out the school half of FM7.  The War to End all Wars as I call it.

Funnily enough the best part of my life at the moment is my sales, which are about 3x higher than they usually are due to my advertising run with Amazon.  So that's awesome I suppose and as always I'm sure all of you that have left so many nice reviews over the years have helped in your own way with getting those clicks in, so thanks for that.

Other than that...still here.  This year will be another tough one, maybe the toughest, and then here's hoping we get a very boring decade or two so I can write a bunch of books every year.

Cuz...King Henry still has a lot to say.


  1. Sorry to hear that life is so shitty right now, but thanks for the update because I was starting to worry you had exploded, or been abducted by aliens or been kidnapped by one of your more fanatical fans and trapped in a cage in a basement only being fed once you produce exclusive KHP content!

    Joking aside, good luck this year.

  2. Super appreciate the update man. Your books are phenomenal, and I'm surprised more people haven't read them.. I'm actually incredibly engaged while reading, and King Henry has some thoughts that I've had before, so I can relate eerily closely to the character. It's a really cool experience that I've never had before. As much as I'm foaming at the mouth for another FM novel... Take your time man. Get your head on, and deal with the personal issues as long as you need to. I'm sure your others readers all feel the same. We're rooting for you and your family. Again, thank you for the update, man.

  3. Hang in there, fella. Do what you need to do, be what you need to be, and know that your fans will be waiting for you when you're in a place to write again.

  4. Thanks for the update. Sorry for the bad times hopefully it starts to turn for the better. I kinda feel bad because I feel so happy knowing you are fine with writing so many more fm novels. You are one of my favorite prolific writes and I'm glad I took a shot with your work. You are right up there with jim butcher, ben aaronovitch and john conroe and I continued to look for to your work.

  5. Lost my grandpa last November. He was a certified BAMF too and had a nitrile glove randomly laying on the floor flipping off the sky. Threw my whole self out of whack. Love your stories, but please take the time to take care of yourself!

  6. I'm always up for swapping battle scar stories (and I hope when the time comes, KH's children's mother freaks him the hell out with a few). Sounds like your grandpa is indeed a BAMF. I hope you get all sorted out, but until we will wait. Thanks for the update!

  7. I'm glad to hear you're alive and reasonably well. I was getting ready to come out too Cali and kidnap you, put you in a cage and only feed you when you produced more KHP. But family and health is important. I guess I need to figure out what to do with this cage now..

  8. Hey bro. Love to u and yours.

  9. General Aliveness check? Just worried its been 2 months without a peep.. Are you alive out there?

  10. I hope things are getting better for you but thought I’d send you a virtual hug anyway.
    I’m telling everyone who’ll listen to read your books and what an amazing writer you are xx

  11. I hope life stuff has started to work itself out. Take care of yourself first, your fans will wait as patiently as we can.
