Friday, June 26, 2020

Grandpa Passed

Later I might write up an emotional post on my feelings and memories, but...right now I'm just really tired. on the 15th he started to have blood in his urine.  This has happened before, usually having to deal with all the lovely plastic tubing the poor man had to deal with, and he went to emergency just like he also has before.  This time, however, they couldn't completely stop the bleeding since it wasn't a tubing issue, it was a cancer-eating-your-body issue.

When he left he was still my grandfather, if exhausted and spending most his day in bed and needing a walker to get around the house.  By the time he returned home last Friday, he was bedridden, in massive amounts of pain, unable to really speak, and all those tubes were gushing out a steady amount of blood as his kidneys failed.  By Tuesday he was unconscious and he finally passed Thursday night.

So far, I seem to have gotten most of my grief out of me over these last couple years and I'm just trying to be there for my mother and grandmother and all my family.  Still hurts, still tired, but...I'm handling it.  Funeral is next week, we have to keep it small because of Covid, so...that's not going to be fun.  Thinking I might be the asshole who yells out "No hugging!" every few minutes just to keep us all alive.

After all this, we have an estate to deal with, a house to sell since grandma is moving in with my aunt, and I have major surgery on July 31st.  Which is exciting, but also...god what horrible timing.

Assuming they don't cancel all the elective surgeries again because wearing a mask is just so fucking difficult for the American people!

Anyway, stay safe everyone.  After this month, everything should start coming together and clearing up for me.

Thank you for all the kind messages you've been leaving on the blog and sending to my email.


  1. I'm so very sorry about your Grandpa. Knowing it's going to happen doesn't make it any easier. Stay strong and stay safe xx

  2. :'( I'm sorry for your loss! Wishing you ease in the coming days. And I'm all for your yelling every few minutes. :D

  3. My deepest sympathy to you and your family. Yell as necessary- it is good for the soul, as well as for keeping people safe.

  4. Sorry for your loss and stay well!

  5. Sorry for your loss but at least he's not in pain now

  6. Hello Richard,
    I wanted to send you my condolences on the passing of your grandfather. I am a new reader of yours. I am part of an Urban Fanatasy forum on Facebook and was recommended your series through there. I have just devoured all of your novels, and will be working on the novellas next. I am a very picky reader, and I was frankly shocked at how good your books are. They are sincerely top 5 of the best series I've read-- with Harry Dresden, Kate Daniels, Kai Gracen, October Daye, and the Soulwood Series by Faith Hunter. All of which are traditionally published.

  7. Hey man, Im so sorry to hear that. Theres nothing really more I can say than that honestly sucks. If you need an ear to listen feel free to hit me up, I know sometimes talking to some rando is easier than talking about it to someone you know
