Monday, May 15, 2023

On Demand Printing Price Increase INCOMING

Just wanted everyone to know that Amazon is rising the print prices come June 20, so they've set up an option for authors to automatically keep the same royalty rates with a single button press and I'll be doing so.  Which means if you ever wanted to grab the printed version of the series (expensive vanity decorations that they already are!) now would be the cheapest time to pick them up.  Cheap being relative...especially Pit of No read Kindle Unlimited I make 7 bucks, you buy $20 print version I make 1 buck!  Does it make any sense whatsoever?  NO!!!

Anyway, if you need some really expensive doorstoppers, they'll be even more expensive next month, so plan accordingly.


  1. I would, boss... because I am always happy to put money in your pocket. But.... well, ya see... Mrs. Treydog made me give away most of my massive stacks of paperback books quite a few years ago, and the limited shelf space is now taken up with... other stuff. (Beer steins for one, so that part is okay. And LOTS of reference books, because I originated pre-Internet). Anyway, I will continue to tell people to buy your books.

  2. Sorry jefe, I already bought them all so I don't need to again. By that I mean digital and physical, because I really like your work and would rather not lose it if the digital stuff gets lost.
