Thursday, June 1, 2023

Cut This, Might Be Worth a Laugh

 It would be impossibly hard.

Mostly because Class 2015 respected and admired me and sought my praise.  They’re teenagers, they’re supposed to be antisocial and shit, what the fuck is wrong with this upcoming generation?

Always being connected to society for every waking moment, constantly being judged for every action by every person they’ve ever come into contact with and millions upon millions of strangers, with the Sword of Damocles hanging over their head if they make the slightest, little mistake they’ll be digital stoned and left as a pariah?

Nope, it has to be porn!

Or the existential threat of Climate Change making existence largely pointless and procreation a recipe for their grandchild starving to death once all the crops wither and fail and…the dolphins commit mass seppuku with severed swordfish heads or some shit?

No!  No!  It has to be the video games!

Video games and porn!  Especially videogame porn!  They make that, right?  You…do you know any good ones?  A…a friend was asking about it, ya know?


  1. 😂 Yep, that video game porn will get ya every time.

  2. Nope. No. No idea AT ALL. But KH is in good form- so yay for that.

  3. Yay for videogame porn! My avatar is a coke-snorting pimp. 🤣
