Monday, July 24, 2023

Better Ideas Can Be So Soul Crushing

Part of it was a better idea, another part was the writing just not being that good to start with, but I threw 3000 words worth of work into the trash bin yesterday.  Before...that's like a day, maybe two days worth of work, with the new normal it's more like a week. hurt.  I just feel kind of mentally crushed today because of it.  I do think the book will be much stronger for it.  It's not some major huge altering change, does focus this one chapter a lot more.  It's something King Henry would very much do to someone and I think you'll all enjoy it...

It's also made me realize I need a chapter split.  War to End All Wars has by far the most chapter splits I've ever experienced moving from Outline to actual Novel before.  Some of this is the total session count being limited because they carry across the series, so I really stuffed them ful.  Another part of it is just me typing something like "KH has Breakfast with Welf/Hope+Old Mancy Crew to Antagonize Them" into the Outline that turns into a 10k scene by the time I end up writing it.

I have a very good sense on the session I'm working on now and it actually is OBVIOUSLY the midpoint of the novel, so we finally got there, kiddies!  Feel like I'm starting to get a handle on the story and the characters and what's going on.  I can see the end on the horizon as long as everything keeps improving with my body.

Pain wise I'm starting to feel not totally horrible.  I can very much over do it and I can't lift anything and sitting here typing still has an upper limit before my back starts screaming, but its a lot better than I've felt in the last 18 months, that's for sure.

The biggest problem right now is probably the heat.  At a certain point, you have so many 100+ days in a row, you just don't have the energy to think.  Yeah, the AC does its best to make things survivable, but it doesn't always feel like the kind of life you can tolerate.  75 degrees at 3AM is probably the worst part of the Fresno summer.  You can't ever open those doors because what's the point when it's going to be 80 degrees before you even have breakfast.  You're just stuck inside, no fresh air, muggy, judging if your cat is really cute enough to keep on putting up with his fish farts for another day.

One of these days I'll have enough, Sherburt!!!

July 25th Edit:

Longtime commenter Treydog (and new to the beta team for Everlasting Dilemma) threw his hat into the ring and published his first novel on KDP.  I can't speak to quality because he just sprung it on me out of nowhere and my TBR pile is a disaster at this point with like full unread Hobb and Abercrombie trilogies just sitting there judging me, but I do know it's as much cursing as the King Henry Tapes, I'm guessing.  Epic fantasy as well and Welsh-ish? have established that I am not good hype man!

However, I know how miserable it is to get views as a new KDP author, so here's the link for you to peruse:  Challenge Accepted by Stuart Maher and Peregrine Anish


The time for heroes appears to be past. Over 20 years ago, Trey ard Sliath and Serene na Ridire defeated the greatest threat their world had ever known. Then, they settled down to raise their families.

What do you do if you are a child of one of those legendary figures? Especially if you are naturally talented with weapons like Serene's daughter, Athynae? Or unable to use a sword at all, like Trey's son, Athlain?

And what happens when you discover that there are still enemies to confront and threats to be faced?

For Athynae and Athlain, there is only one answer. Challenge Accepted.


  1. Tossing words you thought were good at the time is never easy. Even words you thought might someday grow up to become "good" or at least "not suck." If I can't make them fit, I just save them for later, for some kind of standalone story or whatever. Tell the rest of the words, "That scene? Oh, it went to live on a farm. It is really happy there."

    And I feel your pain on the oppressive heat, with the added bonus of oppressive humidity. If I don't get outside before 7 a.m., it probably isn't going to happen.

    But... midpoint is HUGE! Just pace yourself as best you can... no Mad Scientist Marathons.

    And finally- words cannot express how much I appreciate your mention of "Challenge". I was startled into uttering a KH phrase or two, and Peregrine said, "Tell him I cursed in Pixish in honor of KH. It just seemed appropriate."

    Feel better, don't melt, write when you can. (Bow down).

  2. Incredibly glad to hear you are getting better-ish. Hope you continue to improve. I also know that pain of writing what you think is a fantastic idea, and then realising later that it just doesn't work, or changes the story, or screws up continuity. It's almost heartbreaking to cut out great sections that you've poured yourself into.

    Keep getting better. We aren't going anywhere and will patiently wait.
