Wednesday, September 6, 2023

First Edit as Red Ink

Yes, I ran out of room.  The circled numbers are for corresponding paragraphs on the back of the page that you can't see.  There will probably be four or five more versions of this section before I get to the final one that will be published.  I suppose you can consider this a tease for you maniacs that want to try to decode it...

As far as new writing, after a dreadful back half of August and start to September, I am free from doctors (and the car drives to their offices that destroys my back for two to three days) until the 27th.  Hopefully I'll have second burnination plans made then.  But until then, I have 3 weeks free to try to finish this chapter and start in on the second half of the novel.

Wish me luck!


  1. Looks really familiar. Excepting just two colors- and no notation for a sentence that has so much wrong with it that there isn't room, so it gets a helpful suggestion of "see back" or "fix this."

    Best of luck on the pain management.

  2. Good luck broski. As much as I try to avoid thinking about how mortal we all are, trips to the doctor for something serious always manage to force thoughts into a dark place. Hope you're holding up - I am just finishing up a re-read of all the King Henry books and they are great fun the second time too.
