Wednesday, August 23, 2023

Fan Question/Discussion: Biggest Laugh in the King Henry Tapes

So I choked on a bit of breakfast and for some reason the Valentine "small throat hole" joke has bubbled up out of my memory and been making me chuckle all morning.  I've probably asked before, but it's likely been years at this point, and its good for an author to know what pleased the fans, so:  what scene or joke made you laugh the hardest?


  1. Oh wow. That is a tough one... So I am going to cheat and pick "Meet the Bonnies"- the whole thing. The dynamic of KH doing his best in "Normal-land," along with T-Bone's innate anxiety and upper-middle class manners. It is so good that I had to read it out loud to Mrs. Treydog (an unfortunate habit I have been unable to rid myself of). A close second was Valentine going full "Aussie Valley Girl" in "The Glassbreaker Goes Home." Bonus points on that one for Val showing that she is more than a complete bad-ass 'mancer who looks great in red.

  2. Mancy Martial Artist. When KH walked in on Vicky and Tyson.

  3. Welp, time for a full reread I guess.

  4. When KH complains to Val that he is disappointed that she didn’t spell out a love note in people’s ashes.

  5. Ceinwyn and Evelyn's discussion at the end of Everchanging. Seeing a human Ceinwyn and just how goofy she can act and Evelyn dealing with the reveal of Jethro liking her, and her being mildly okay with that, in its entirety makes me laugh.

  6. The scene where King Henry explained to Welf how he beat him academically by faking a pregnant Hope was incredible. I also loved the laxatives at breakfast in the winter war story. Something similar happened in my boy scout troop growing up. We poured laxatives in an older boy's soft drink at lunch after he severely bullied / embarrassed a younger kid. I'll never forget him running to the bathroom with shit dripping down his leg. Justice was served and a bully got it back in spades. In retrospect we were lucky he didn't press charges.

  7. I really can't pick just one, there are so many in each book and side stories that make me laugh. I think tho, the scene with Ceinwyn and Evelyn where I was laughing through my tears was one of my best! Looking forward to reading more and will wait for as long as it takes because I know that it will be worth it. I was hooked as soon as I read "fucktard" and have been using it ever since :)

  8. I dont think theres a question....Fighting, stealing, fucking, and that order.

  9. I laughed pretty damn hard when KH drives everyone to rescue Soto and scares the ever-living shit out of them with his driving. Just a great character tidbit that adds to KH's mythos.

  10. The fanged lady- when dick tells him it’s running away and never coming back. That cemented this series as one of my all time favorites.

  11. For me, there isn't just one scene, the humour is in King Henry's inventive and extensive vocabulary of swearing and verbal abuse.

    One area I'd love to see expanded is his relationship with that obsessive detective who is into stalking him. What would happen if she suddenly became aware of exactly what killed those two local men, what goes bump in the night, and what KH's powers are? Hmmmmm...
