Wednesday, February 14, 2024

Like Riding A Bike...Into a Bush

Back at this writing new material thing as of Monday.  Popped out 2500 words on the phone.  Figure I'm halfway done with this session.  Spine seems to not be going crazy yet.  The biggest problem yesterday was my brain turning into total mush.  I still don't know how some authors (claim) write every day back-to-back.  I've almost always been a one on and one off kind of guy.  Some of yesterday's malaise is probably because I'm so out of shape, but...editing, rewrites, all that, 16 hour days for a month straight, I'm fine; but actually spewing creation out on a blank page?  Mush brain the next day for sure.  Sometimes longer.

So I'll be trying some more tonight, since I am currently in Vampire Mode.  One of those awkward moments where I spent a great deal of mental energy imagining the scene before and after this one with multiple scenarios and outlines, but only have a brief descriptive line here and...what the bleep ya gonna do, RR?

December Evals.  Montage?

That's what I get to work with.

Damn you, Past Richard!

1 comment:

  1. Good to hear that it is moving forward. My method is best referred to as "glacial". Although the current scene is more "sandwich mode"- i.e., knowing there is an important moment coming up and writing all the stuff that happens before it or else all the stuff that happens after... while avoiding the gooey caramel center.... Now I'm hungry... Keep feeling better, boss.
