Friday, August 7, 2020

One Week In

Today I get to upgrade to a full liquid diet.  Means the end of the Broth Purgatory and goodies like tomato soup, protein shakes, and apple sauce can be consumed and boy did I never think I'd miss that stuff, but here we are.  My energy levels are still really low, obviously.  I'm basically in bed by 6PM and sleeping at least 10 hours.  Plus there are points during the day where the most I can do is sit at the TV and rest.  Probably have about 4 hours of laptop/gaming time in me a day.  Pain is mostly gone, but there is some slight lingering soreness and all my incisions are itching now.  EOE hasn't reared its head, so here's hoping they did what they were supposed to and the new plumbing keeps it at bay.

Still no writing, or close to it, but everything is looking very promising for SOON.


  1. Hoping for a speedy recovery.
    Hang in there.

  2. Amazing the kinds of things that suddenly become appealing when the choice is them or... water. As intended, I devoured FM 1 and followed up with Short Pack 1... I was laughing so hard at "Meet the Bonnies" that I was in tears. Now doing a re-read of "The Betrothal..." (note to KH fans- NOT a KH story, but read it anyway- it has FOOTNOTES!)

    Take it as slowly as you need to, boss. Rest and recover.

    1. Yeah, "Meet the Bonnies" is probably the funniest thing I've ever written.
