Saturday, March 2, 2024

?Hopeful? March Update

February was the best month I've had since my spine exploded.  Pain is down.  Progress is up.  Still can't type much or sit in a chair--no Dune 2 on the big screen for this geek!--but I can totally put in three 1-2 hour sessions every other night on my phone's note app.

Meaning I've written 20k words in the last three weeks.  Yay!

Still on the same session.  Boo!

Splitting the novel looking more likely than ever.  Eek!

Have set the decision date on that to early June, since I'd like to have new content out in whatever form by October and I'll need a few months editing and the cover people also have a wait list of about the same time.

Thinking title wise we'll go with The Foul Mouth and the Seismic Semester.  I will say, that it is rightly the most school focused story I've written.  Not just AT the Asylum, but you really feel PART of the Asylum.  There's tests, there's clubs, there's jokes and pranks and magic and random encounters with Constructs and Fairies and Giant Fucking Wolves.  And so many characters who usually got pushed to the side before.  There's several Asa scenes!  It finally happened!!!  Jessica and Quinn have dialogue.  OMG!!!

Also, when I was working on the last session, which is the true plot midpoint, the idea of splitting it felt really bad.  Like...worse than the first Dune movie bad.  That's it?!?  Give me more sandworms, bitches!!!  But working on this session and knowing how its wrapping up, it feels like a much fairer endpoint and a satisfying emotional payoff that will launch us into a very confrontational Winter War.

So I'm more content with the split now.  Totally expect reviews shitting on me for it.  But maybe not rioting.

Still...won't decide until June.  If I pump out 100k in the next few months and it looks like I can wrap the whole thing up as a MEGAZILLA monstrosity, we'll do that instead.

Or my spine could implode again...

I take everything day to day at this point.

Doctor wise, I have two appointments this month.  One is the MRI on my cervical spine they're finally getting done.  That's still where the worst pain is, right in my C7 spine area.  Just like a fucking knife right in there gouging bone as it twists around and around.  If they find something serious we might be talking fusion or whatever other surgeries they might try.  That happens and its quick, won't be a lot of writing done while I recover.

Will be once I am recovered though...

And chairs.

I miss chairs!!!


  1. What a great update! It sounds like you're on the right path. Hopefully, the doctors can figure out how to help with your c7 pain.

  2. I've said this a few times and I'll say it again, you stubborn SOB, quit pulling a Butcher and take some time to get better. However the book ends up is how it ends up and I'd rather you not be stressing yourself out with how it's turning out while you're getting to a functional level. Cool, keep us updated with all the ideas for stuff, the parts of your life that you feel like sharing, and all that. Just don't stress too hard about how it's all turning out. a side thing, dude I am down for two books of King Henry being a student advisor and such. That's going to be freaking hilarious.
