Friday, December 1, 2017

Still Alive #2

Just not much new to report to you fans.  I'm writing just barely enough each month where I don't consider it bad, but no where near enough to call it good.  Which is an improvement over the total bomb in September, so there's that!

Almost done with the first novella, halfway done with the second.  Although novellas are technically 40k words long tops, so Assault on Dread Fortress Paine has upgraded to mini novel I suppose.  I have the very last scene plus the epic fight of the story left to go.  Quite a few fight scenes in this one, more than my average for sure.  Very close to a finished first draft.  Probably take a couple passes after that, then a copy edit readthrough.  So, very much getting there.  SOON.

AoDFP I'm happy with, but The Glassbreaker Goes Home is just...really, really happy with it.  I'm sure some will whine about it being filler, but character wise it's so fucking good!  KH, Old Man Price, Val, Vega, Vicky, Mama Welf, JoJo, tons of others.  Lot of character interactions, lot of great stuff.  Probably be in that 50k mini novel range too by the time it's done.

Gush...continues to be the step child I don't have the will to focus on.  The twin family medical issues in my life keep on sucking and the horrible odds are they'll end in 2018, but only in misery.  Sucks.  A lot.  Last year I just ignored it all, pushed it all into FM6, this year I think I've given myself way too much time to dwell on it, especially with that 4 month vacation.  The mini novels I can just trudge my way through, but for a whole new world I need 100% and I'm not even close to that.  So, Gush lingers...

Yup, still fighting to get the mojo back.  Part way there but more to go, always more to go.  At the very least, FM7 looms.  Wrote the first thousand words of it, for the last school story.  The War to End All Wars if I went so far to name the school stories ;)  Will definitely be diving head first into it come early next year, soon as these mini novels are finished.  It's going to be another big one :)

Monday, October 16, 2017

October 2017 Quick Notes

1.  Had a completely horrible September with no new material written.  Back at it now, did a rewrite for Assault on Dread Fortress Paine adding some more characters to the ESLED strike team and I'm now progressing towards the finish.

2.  Unless a miracle happens this is by far my worse year for writing output in a long while.  Maybe since I started the whole Indie thing.  Last year was my best so it all evens out I suppose!

3.  It's not writer's block, which is a term I hate, since I've never felt blocked.  If anything writer's anxiety or writer's fear would be the correct term.  A terrifying fear of a work not being as well received as the last one leading to procrastination.

4.  Only in this case, not block or whatever.  It's just the family health issues I've mentioned before and specifically for last month some major birthday blues.  Plus, ya know, getting the print on demands out and all that distracting me.

5.  It's cooled down in Fresno, so there's that!  I mean the rest of the state is on fire...

6.  Also my wrist is feeling much I can write without it hurting now.

7.  New South Park RPG tomorrow, yay!

8.  New Stranger Things in two weeks, double yay!

9.  Anyway, looking to just ignore the world and write for the next couple months, so...don't tear the blog down while I'm in the mad scientist laboratory please!

Sunday, September 24, 2017

King Henry Box Set



Obviously I don't think you fans that check out this blog and are up to date with the series as the target audience with this one (although if you do purchase it, thank you very much for the continued support!), but here's a snazzy new 3 in 1 "box set" for the first fourth of our grand experiment.   It's part of KDP Select just like everything else, so if any Kindle Unlimited fans want a reread opportunity that only takes up one of your slots, here you go (does KU still use the 10 slots?  Maybe I'm out of date).

The one thing I will ask of you, even beg you, is to please consider taking 10 to 15 minutes to go and write an honest review telling people what you love about this series.  As always I believe your passion and support is the life blood of this endeavor and the most effective advertising tool that any author could ask for.  So please, let them know why they should give The King Henry Tapes a try!

Thursday, September 21, 2017

Print On-Demand Promise Finally Accomplished!

After far too much worry and effort, the print-on-demand versions for the first six novels of The King Henry Tapes have been proofed, found worthy, and published.  They've just gone up on Amazon and have yet to merge with the kindle versions, so links to each are below.  You can also find them on the Createspace store if you're familiar with using it.

They look pretty awesome if I do say so myself, but then what father doesn't think his one-eyed, three-nostriled baby is the most beautiful of them all?

Regardless of possible lisps or uncontrollable drooling, all of those who begged for this day and made promises that I just had to make print-on-demand versions because you wanted to buy a bunch of copies to give out to your non-ebook reading friends and family are going to keep your word, right?  Right?

Prices are $11.99 for books 1 and 2, $13.99 for books 3 and 4, $17.99 for book 5, and a $19.99 price tag for book 6.  Which is why when the big five publishers talk about how paper books and ebooks really don't cost that much different to make and that's why all big author ebooks are over 15 dollars nowadays, you should tell them to go fuck themselves.  Yes, I know, economies of scale versus print-on-demand, but still...bullshit!  Paper costs money!  Though to be fair, if you buy the print-on-demand version of FM6 you will also be able to use it as a bludgeoning weapon should the undead ever rise up to conquer mankind.

Print on Demand FM1
Print on Demand FM2
Print on Demand FM3
Print on Demand FM4
Print on Demand FM5
Print on Demand FM6

Friday, August 25, 2017

Quick Notes August #2

1.  This week I wrote a 8k scene between Vicky and Moira Welf, because why not?  Lot that had to be said on any number of topics between those two.  Probably cut it down in editing, but we'll see.  Really loving THE GLASSBREAKER GOES HOME, its so very character indulgent.

2.  Cracked a tooth :(  Or, at least a filling...anyway, dentist next week, boo!

3.  I took my first try at Football Manager 2017 yesterday...I don't think I've been this intimated by a video game since Crusader Kings 2 years and years ago.  Which did not end well.  But was one of my favorite video game experiences ever.  I started with William the Conqueror, thought I was doing an okay-ish job, took over Wales and all that and then William died...which led to a four way succession war between three of his sons and his brother.  I was disposed by my brother, who was captured and killed by my uncle...making me King In Name Only...without any soldiers to call in my name as my youngest brother and uncle battled it out, all while the Duke of York rose up in rebellion...let's just say, it could've gone better.

4.  Hoping to finish the first draft of ASSAULT ON DREAD FORTRESS PAINE next month, we'll see.

5.  The Defenders turned out as okay TV.  All these Marvel Netflix shows just feel very cheap, which I guess they are.  Oh well, better than Iron Fist!

6.  Stuff still happening behind the scenes.  Covers coming in.  Slowly going through the Createspace process.  The preview copy of Fanged Lady should show up for me next week, then assuming I didn't fuck it up I'll be moving on to FM2 and FM3.  Still not sure on release dates for all the print-on-demand stuff, but they are very much happening now.

7.  Fuck Jade Druid....

8.  The kids are returning to school, yay!

9.  Football is back!

10.  Summer is almost over!  Still 107 on Monday, cuz Fresno...

Tuesday, August 15, 2017

"The Fanged Lady" and "The Cat Killing Coyotes" New Cover Reveal

Guessing you probably skipped this text to look at the pretties, but I just wanted to spend a moment thanking Deranged Doctor Design for the awesome work they've done and are still doing with the last 4 covers (also plan to continue to use them for future novels!)  I asked for covers that said Urban Fantasy to the extreme and they've delivered.  These aren't new pieces of artwork, but instead are manipulated stock photos through the use of graphic software and when you consider what they were able to accomplish with that limitation, able to find a model wearing clothes King Henry might wear (with added brown coat!) and able to find another model that just might be King Henry-esqe when it comes to his face...not to mention backgrounds, color blends, all those pieces of rock and glass flying about...

Also, I love how for the San Francisco background with the first novel the thought was:  How about the Transamerica Pyramid?

But when it came down to Fresno in the second:  Well, I guess we'll use a dilapidated warehouse?

Oh Fresno, they so get you!



Both are working their way through Amazon's warp-pipes as we speak.  FM3 is also in the final stages and it shouldn't be much longer before it shows up.  Of course I purchased both ebook and paperback designs so this means I have no more reason to delay print-on demand versions and should get them out in the next couple reason other than me being a lazy bastard for anything that's not writing at least!

So, what you think?

Wednesday, August 2, 2017

Quick Notes August

1.  So I got the cover proposal (kind of like a first draft) for the new FM1 cover yesterday and it's completely Urban Fantastic.  Not sure when I'll get the final version to show you fans, but it shouldn't be much longer.  Then we get to do it five more times in a row!  So excited!

2.  Writing the Vicky Welf POV makes me so upbeat...

3.  Which makes me think back to what writing a scene with Obadiah Paine in it used to do to my mood...oh well, I guess thanks to King Henry I never have to write a POV from him, do I?

4.  I finally managed to find a Nintendo Switch...I only use it for Mario Kart at the moment and promise you fans I won't dare start playing Zelda Breath of the Wild until after all the releases this year.  Cuz I have a feeling that'll be a few weeks of complete addiction if I do.  Which would be bad, right?

5.  Dota 2 International 2017 starts today.   The prize pool this year is over 23 million dollars and competition looks fierce.  I'll be watching Twitch with one eye and writing with the other the next couple weeks.

6.  So HOT!!!

7.  First sentence tease for Assault on Dread Fortress Paine...

Within one second of liftoff, Tyson Bonnie knew--without any doubt at all--that he did not like helicopters.

Wednesday, July 26, 2017

Watching, Playing, Reading #2

Watching:  GLOW.  I thought I might like this one at least a little bit, instead I ended up loving it completely.  There's a lot of 80s nostalgia going around (Stranger Things having nailed the Spielberg/Goonies/Stephen King vibes to perfection of course) but something about GLOW just hit the glam metal, big hair cock binge party 80s for me.  There's even a training montage where Stan Bush's Dare starts playing, also known as the other song from the Transformers: The Movie soundtrack after The Touch.  It hit my childhood right in the feels.

Playing:  Hearthstone.  My fingers are still pretty touch and go if not screaming in pain, so I've been keeping away from more active games.  But a card game on a tablet where I only need a single finger proved within my ability for the occasional diversion.  Haven't played since before Mean Streets launched, so I got to experience the returning player experience.  9 free classic packs, about 3500 free dust, not bad.  Ended up dusting some of my wild format collection as well and luckily control mage and control paladin decks focus heavily on classic cards, so cheap enough to put them together with plenty of dust left over.  Also they're giving a free arena run every week at the moment and that's fun.

Reading:  Wildfire by Ilona Andrews.  Yeah, really, I'm reading a paranormal romance novel.  I watched the Good Wife too, you wanna fight, bro?  I will admit this is one of those where I'm glad Kindles have removed the fact you have to physically hold a book, because that cover, man...  Do recommend all of their writing though especially the Kate Daniels series (it's actually a husband a wife writing duo), solid reads all around and the Top 1% of creativity in the genre.  Really remember to rely on the Fantasy over the Urban, with some good world-building.'s summer treating you?  Getting some entertainment in through the heat?  Inc a week over 100 for Fresno, cuz of course!

Thursday, July 20, 2017

2017-2018 Release Estimates

Alternate Post Title:  Watch as RR is proven way too optimistic about his ability to dodge the plague yet again.

August 2017:  New cover roll out starts.

October 2017:  King Henry Book Pack One release, Print On Demand versions roll out starts.

November-December 2017:  Assault on Dread Fortress Paine release window.

February-March 2018:  The Glassbreaker Goes Home release window.

May to August 2018:  Gush release window.

November 2018:  FM7 release if it manages to sneak into 2018.

So, that's my best guess on the future.  The post FM6 vacation still has me playing catch up, but on the other hand...I'd probably be in a real asylum if I hadn't taken one, so there's that!  Just wanted to keep you fans informed, I know from the other side how a lack of communication can cause serious angst between a writer and their fan base and that's the last thing I ever want between us!

If I ever cause you angst I want it to be because I destroyed all your shipping hopes and dreams ;-)

Monday, July 10, 2017

Quick Notes July 2017

1..  Halfway through both novellas now.  Both are looking good.  Second one will probably be a little longer than 30k, closer to 40K even.  Not that you fans have ever whined about more content.

2.  Didn't have to go to Idaho after all, instead I got to listen to the war zone Fresno became during the Fourth.  Crazy amount of illegal rockets flying around this year!

3.  2017's bullshit sickness/injury list continues with a sudden bout of finger/wrist pain.  No video games and can only writing every other day while I baby, man!

4.  Should start getting the new Foul Mouth cover designs back next month.  GET HYPE!

5.  !!!

6.  Speaking of hype, season 7 of GOT is so close!

7.  Anyway, hand hurts so I suppose it's a good excuse to ignore you all for another month!

8.  !!!

Wednesday, June 14, 2017

Watching, Playing, Reading #1

Everyone likes chatting about entertainment, right?

Watching:  Flash Season 3.  Yes, it's basically a soap opera, but it has superpowers!  Not enjoying this one as much as Season 2, Zoom and Earth Two being far better handled than Savitar and the Flashpoint seems to be (only halfway through).  Or maybe it's just that this is the first time I've binge watched on Netflix instead of using the DVR week to week.

Playing:  Hearts of Iron 4, Kaiserreich Mod.  Germany won WW1 and come 1936 the world is in even worse shape than what happened on Earth One.  Commies control France and the British Isles.  The royal family and nobility have fled to Canada.  The White Revolution was victorious in Russia and now sits on the edge of Imperialism.  Isolationist America is in political turmoil and readies itself for a second civil war!  Sound fun?  Yeah, its fun.  Might be better than the base game actually, or at least have more replayability.  One of the biggest faults of HoI 4 is that outside of Europe it's very stale and you really don't have enough manpower to get anything done.  Not so here.

Reading:  Words of Radiance by Brandon Sanderson, Stormlight Archives #2 Reread.  I enjoy Sanderson quite a lot, especially for his world-building inventiveness, maybe not as much as some of his hardcore fans (they scare me!), but I never miss a book of his for sure and have been reading them since Elantris first hit shelves back in 2005.  His BIG FETCHING(*Mormon approved curse words only) SERIES is the Stormlight Archives, a world with with highstorms, magic vapor swords, magic vapor iron-man armor, all sorts of other magic-by--talking-fairies thrown on top, and lots of crabs, giant enemy crabs!  His third book is coming out in November, with a smaller ancillary novel arriving early October, so I decided to do a reread on the last book, since it's been awhile and if you think you forget a lot of stuff between releases, try writing a few of your own novels between them and see how the ol' noggin keeps up.

And yes, I'm writing :-P

So...your turn now, what are you punks ingesting for your entertainment needs?

Tuesday, June 6, 2017

June Quick Notes

1.  It's...sort of hot.  Actually having a shockingly mild summer at the moment in Fresno, with only a couple days near 100 so far.

2.  Last month I did get the time to start in on Gush, began making some progress and I REALLY like what I've got so far, but sadly my momentum got killed by a sudden case of food poisoning that destroyed me for about a five day period.  Still, I'm hopeful to get back to it in the last half of this month.

3.  Right now I'm jumping between four different POV lines.  Gush, Novella 1, and Novella 2A/2B.  So while no one work seems like it's moving along, I am starting to make progress bit by bit.

4.  The first novella is very plot based and while it has two POVs they're in the same location more or less, T-Bone and Eva both taking part in the assault on Paine's hideout.  Been struggling with this one a little bit, but I've fixed the problems that rose up and I'm happy with the altered direction I'm taking.  Mostly it comes from me being an author that prefers either difficult conversations between diverse characters or build up to huge moments of conflict and with Assault on Dread Fortress Paine, it's a very typical action take, I guess you could say.  Something you'd expect at least, with lots of faceless enemies that I usually resist.  So basically I have to keep telling myself "Bad Raley!' every time I try to backstory for every rando.

5.  The second novella however is almost totally character based.  I mentioned that I was unsure about the POVs and kicked around a few of them, but settled on King Henry's 3rd person POV and Vicky Welf.  Still going back and forth on the title but it takes place two weeks after FM6, where both  of our characters visit home for the first time in a long while.  If you like slice of life and world-building this is a novella for you.  Still...might be a few important moments where something plot based happens...

6.  Still waiting on my covers to come through in August/September before I release anything else.  Probably be putting out the King Henry Book Pack with FM1-FM3 then, plus looking to do the print-on demand versions as well.  Not sure when I'll finish the novellas yet.

7.  Might have to go to Idaho for the Fourth of July.  Had an aunt move up there a couple years ago and my grandparents are pretty determined to visit, only they really can't travel alone any more, so might have to help out.

8.  E3 starts this weekend!  Can Sony possibly top last year?  One Winged Angel with live orchestra to start the show with a hypexplosion plz?

Thursday, April 27, 2017

Yay, I Survived!

Need a few days to find my center and I was required to serve on a jury this time around over the last few days, but our civic duty nightmare is over and now I'm free to focus on nothing except writing for the next 3 months.

That and watching comic book movies...

Cuz Guardians of the Galaxy, man.  And Spider-man.  And Wonder Woman.  And you's a Fresno summer, so probably be lot of sweating involved.

But mostly:  write, write, write!

Friday, April 7, 2017

Still Alive

Been busy with my non-writing half of my life so not much to report.  My writing brain is back, so there's that.  Just about finding the focus and time to get into the next book.  As is I've been dealing with birthdays, family visits, dental appointments, and still have the dreaded Jury Duty at the end of the month to deal with.

My hope and plan is that after I convince the government to tell me to fuck off already, is to start Gush in May.  Or restart Gush, whatever.  I really like a whole unobstructed month to begin a project.  This month...very obstructed, so I've just been faffing about on the two KH novellas I had ideas for.  Which are also coming along.

But so far, no idea when any of this will be done, or when it being done I will start on FM7...

But my brain is back and working, so that's an important improvement over Feb and March!  Even when a writer isn't writing, they're always thinking and there's a whole lot of that to do to make sure a novel is the best it can be.

Tuesday, February 21, 2017

Writing Break Continues Quick Notes

1.  So yeah, I'm still taking it easy on the writing front, even if the urge is growing.  Lots of turning on the laptop and looking at blank pages thinking about how I could write and sometimes I even do burst out a quick few paragraphs, but nothing much at the moment.

2.  Finished up all the formatting on King Henry Box Set One, which will be coming out sometime in March.

3.  Paid my taxes, yay?

4.  Have completed the formatting on the print-on-demand versions, not sure when I'll get around to putting them through Createspace, but some serious progress on that front.

5.  New covers!  I've tasked the team at Deranged Doctor Design to craft six covers for the main King Henry books.  They'll be ready and should roll out August to September.

6.  Have jury duty in April, boo!

7.  A lesser known King Henry classmate will be in the first novella I'm working on, along with Tyson and a much more well known classmate, do know that much so far.

8.  No estimates on when it or Gush or really anything will be done.

9.  Here's hoping my brain starts working soon!

Sunday, January 29, 2017

The Life of Raley

So, what have I been up to?

Mostly nothing.  Still relaxing, planning, and doing some good ol' ruminating on the books and stories I'm planning to work on in the next couple years.  Pretty sure I know exactly how to start FM7 now, also came to a rather important realization on how FM9 should end once we get that far in the series.  These are tiny epiphanies, but very important to the process and ones that are very hard to have when you're focused 110% on a project, and a good reason why taking a break can be the best thing you can do before diving in.

That said, I have been keeping busy with "busy" work.  I've made covers for the two novellas meant to release this year, as well as a new cover for FM5.5 in the same style.  Did a cover and formated King Henry Box Set One, which will be coming out in March.  Basically FM1 to FM3 sold together at a lower price, so nothing you fans will need, but a good deal for newbies.  I've finally formated print on demand versions for the series as well and have two of the six covers finished.  Expect them soonish.  I hope!  A more concrete soonish than ever before at least!

I did another round on the net looking for a professional cover artist and did find one I like this time, will look into it more when I get some money from FM6's sales.

Other than games, movies, TV shows.

Been sick for the last couple weeks.  YAY asthma + respiratory virus!

Am planning to start in on the novellas and Gush in Feb, so hopefully those status updates start moving!

Tuesday, January 17, 2017

Current Remaining King Henry Titles

Please be aware these do change.  FM2 was once "The Hairy Stoners" and FM6 was originally "The Artificial Court".  FM7 has actually already changed from the one I put in the FM6 also written list.  But, this is the plan for now!

FM7 = The Runaway Rumble

FM8 = The Black Bird Bash

FM9 = The Six Realm Drop

FM10 = The Last True Dale

FM11 = The Queen's Revenge

FM12 = The Asylum Ascendant

Tuesday, January 3, 2017

Post FM6 Quick Notes

1.  Profits up 40% so far this release, but new fans finding the series is down about the same amount.  Will have to see how it plays out, but I'll probably end up making about what I did on FM5 again once FM6 sales start dropping and fewer FM1 to FM5 sales rise to replace it.

2.  Which a lot of Indies would kill for, so I'll refrain from whining, even if part of me thinks millions of people should be reading this series.

3.  The one OMG yes part of this release is Kindle Unlimited.  I get 7 dollars every time someone burrows and finishes good!

4.  23 reviews so far, 22 of them five stars.  1 three star that said the book felt like a pity party that I think was actually meant for FM5...not sure.  FM5?  Total pity pary.  FM6?  No pity, just awesome.  Try not to pay TOO much attention to reviews for fear of being driven insane trying to find meaning in the chaos.

5.  THOUGH, did notice FM1 is at 195 reviews now, how cool is that?  Almost at the big 200.  Remember when I had to hock free copies at bloggers to get them, do not miss those days at all!

6.  I've read three books since I finished FM6...such a weird feeling...reading...might have to do more of it.

7.  Wrote 500 words on one of the novellas yesterday and my brain is hurting again...

8.  What's this?  FINAL FANTASY 15 in my hands?  Let's do this shit!  See you all in a month!