Monday, November 8, 2021

Stalled Out

Insurance wanted a second x-ray (full spine) before they signed off on anything more expensive, so I was in a waiting room miserable for the better part of 3 hours a few days ago and now...everything hurts.  Sitting hurts, typing hurts.  Why my back being messed up makes my left ring finger scream I'm not sure,'s a thing.  Has been a thing for years now apparently.  Thought I had two small problems, now have one big problem!  Knowing is half the battle, so...yay?

Do feel better today compared to the last couple, but now I'm slightly paranoid about putting in too many hours per day and might have to throttle myself going forward until the docs figure this out.  6 to 8 hours a day sitting at a computer slightly uncomfortable being preferable to a marathon followed by days in bed wanting to gnaw my own arm off as it were.  

If I am stuck in bed for prolonged periods I suppose I can put the edit down for a bit and just go back to handwriting "War to End All Wars" again, which IS progress, if not the kind that will immediately get a MancyVerse story into all of your greedy hands.

Getting to do a lot of reading of my own, I suppose and finally watching yay?

Anyway, here's hoping for some more healing and a return to progress this week!

1 comment:

  1. After my THIRD ER visit in the last year... I am convinced that going to the doctor is bad for my health.

    Visit 1- Went to have a swollen big toe looked at. They did not like my "are you sure you are alive?" blood pressure. I felt FINE. Nevertheless, alarums and excursions, ambulance ride, cardiogram leads stuck all over me and IV fluids.

    Visit 2- Got heavy antibiotics, which decided to twist my colon in a knot--- at 2 a.m., because that's ALWAYS when it happens. Drove myself to the ER- parked on the WRONG side of the hospital, had to walk a block to get in, lay on a hard bench for a loooong time waiting to be admitted. Valium- I think. Better.

    Most recent visit (I would call it "last" but the year isn't over)- Went to the hematology lab because my red cell count is high. The decided that "bleeding" me would help (i.e.- drawing a unit of blood). Okay- fine. Jab- okay. Draw- okay. Done. "How are you feeling? Would you like a soft drink?" Somewhere between my agreeing and what happened next, I went queasy, dizzy, etc. Oxygen, fluid IV. Passed out. Ambulance ride. FOUR IVs and ECG leads in my pear tree. AND they cut my "Arm the Animals" kitty tossing a hand grenade t-shirt off! Released- have to drive home. Car is parked somewhere OTHER than the hospital. I am carrying my "stuff" in a plastic bag like a homeless person, and also feeling like one because my head is going hyper from electrolyte imbalance. Call Mrs.- "How do I get from (corner of two streets) to (location of parking garage)." Long wait for call back. Mrs. is a LOVELY person, but... cartographically challenged. I just started wandering- plastic bag in hand and found it. And drove myself home in the rush hour traffic. Yay.

    So- Boss... rest as much as you need to. Yeah, yeah--- we NEED the words. But we need YOU to be able to WRITE the words, so read, write by hand, figure out a standing desk for typing?, do whatever you need to do. Feel better. Avoid doctors.
