Friday, November 19, 2021

We Continue Gingerly

Not stupido but arm is dead.  Back is...well, I'm figuring out how to cope better.  Using a portable keyboard helps.  Finally have my doctor appointment for more news on Monday.  Probably need a couple days at least to recover from more waiting room chairs.  Did do some editing today, 45/186.  One forth of the way, basically.  Then we move on to the next stage and start cutting.  Then formatting.  Then copyedit and...yeah.  Should be able to do a lot of that on my Kindle in bed at least...

That's all for later though.

Now I'm going to watch Wheel of Time and probably cry over how they've mangled my absolute favorite fantasy series from when I was a teenager (I imagine if you've read Wheel of Time and the King Henry Tapes that you might have put many of the influences it has on this series together by now...). least we got Dune!

And here's hoping its not TOO bad...if they just managed like...Witcher quality...I suppose I'd take that...

Also season 2 of The Great to watch.


Update:  First episode was rough, with some questionable changes, but not unwatchable.  Rand's ?wool? sweater, however, will haunt my dreams for the rest of my days.

Update 11-20:  56/189.  Doubt I'll get any work done tonight...booster seems to finally be kicking me in the balls with some serious brain drain.


  1. 《sigh》
    4 ta-vern?
    Tossing poor Egwene into the river?
    Then Rand just throws his bow to the ground?
    10min in and his woolen jumper is the least of my worries.

  2. Does he at least have red hair? (I haven't been able to bring myself to watch). And yeah, Tam would have spoken quietly to Rand about treating his bow that way....

    I can't recall where exactly in the series I tossed in the towel (this was long before eReaders, so I was lugging the full-size hardback volumes around. Hmmm- wonder if that is how you hurt your back, Boss?) I just had this feeling that Jordan (Rigney) was doing "can't stop/won't stop" and dragging every possible Round World mythos into it that he could... Nevertheless- the first four or five left me awestruck in a way that no other series had done before... Made a lot of the contemporary "epic fantasy" on offer at the same time seem paltry in comparison. And I haunted the WoTFAQ almost daily....

  3. I'm fine with wheel of time so far. I know it's not gonna look exactly how I see it it my head. there has to be massive changes to make a series like that without infinite funds. it is still on track as far as I'm concerned. maybe shaking the train a bit. I'm just happy it exists at all

  4. The jumper! I was shouting at the telly.
