Sunday, February 6, 2022

How it Started-ish

One of the first set of notes I took for The King Henry Tapes, probably in 2009 if I had to guess.  On the right, you can see King Henry's name finally circled, the Institution's name and me misspelling Visalia.

Many of the Ultra titles stuck outside of "Deathlich" which I thought was a little too Metal and replaced with Bonegrinder and Faceshifter was the same as Shadeshifter and got changed to Facechanger.  Was just listing the possible powers as they came to mind, so I had to switch Aeromancy and Spectromancy on the tiers and Xylomany went bye bye as I decided wood and plants were mostly the same thing.

Also my population calculations were way too common for Intras and rare of Ultras and got changed completely. 


  1. Hooray for circles and arrows and numbers! Makes me slightly less defensive about my notebooks- which also include 3 colors of ink, sometimes. I can pretend to be a real writer some more- as if it is the tools, rather than the talent.

    1. Still make them all the time. Was just working on my final version of the Divine family tree actually...since we, might, ya know, be coming on on that being pretty relevant...


  2. Have you ever thought about revisiting the Alan Edwards cast? I really liked that one.

    1. I started working on a sequel titled "The Betrothal: Or Why Is Tad Flanagan Determined to Ruin My Life?", even wrote 7 chapters, but I got caught up in working on The King Henry Tapes instead.

      Actually I put the first chapter up on the blog:

      As far as side projects I'm more likely to finally finish GUSH or start working on my SUPER SECRET PROJECT in earnest, but never say never. Maybe if there's a miracle and The Betrothal gets turned into a sappy Hallmark movie or something...

      Not that I'm interested in side projects at the moment as I am getting back on track with KH!

  3. Thanks! The tight plotting of Alan E reminded me of PG Wodehouse at his best, and that is a huuuuge compliment.
