Thursday, February 3, 2022

Spine/Back Update + Beta Started twice a week for at least the next five weeks going forward.  If how I feel at the moment continues that means I'll need 4 days total a week devoted to that with each session and then a recovery day in bed.  I'm barely managing to sit up right now typing this after a super long nap...and we haven't even gotten into stretches and exercising portion of the torture routine... 

He indicated that in his mind he was trying to prepare me for spinal surgery, so the aftermath would be shorter and easier on me, so...not looking too good on this being a solution.

Writing wise, beta copies are out, some have finished and no one hates it so far...yay?

"One of your best."

"Still a fan, buddy."

"Far more intense than most of the earlier books."

They could just be suck ups...but... 👍👍👍

OMG I have emotes... 💩

I have FM4-FM6 to still reformat and plug in a few typos that people have mailed me over the last 3 years (in addition to what the beta readers have found for DILEMMA) since I last did the whole series bells and whistles update, so...that's what I'll be up to when I can manage to sit up straight!

Man, I suck at lying in bed just watching tv now.  Like...can't do it.  Just want to write 12 hours a day and pissed I can't.  Weird how I snapped back so hard from all those grief/sick years where everything seemed...miserable and pointless, I guess.

Made me a better person and a more aware and empathic writer, I think, but wasn't so fun...

Feb 15th!!!  Piss on your Bengals in the Super Bowl!  Piss on your Post Valentine's Day What Am I Covered In Please Tell Me That's Chocolate Shower!!!  But the book!

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