Saturday, February 12, 2022

Waiting Game

Just waiting for the Super Bowl (a pox on both their houses) and Valentine's Day to wrap up at this point.  Book's done, entered into Amazon and one button press will do the job.

All the beta readers enjoyed it, so...hopefully the rest of you will to.  I'll put up a discussion thread post release and then plan to mostly disappear the coming months as I focus in on the next book.

Been doing a bit of world-building in the meantime, finalizing backstory and family trees on the Divines and the Dragons and all things Creation Mythology.  It's not like I have no clue or I've been flying blind up until this point, but I do like to plan in a bit of nebulous fog of war so that inspiration plays a part in my stories.

Only after what happens in EVERCHANGING DILEMMA and what will happen in MOST OBVIOUS TRAP, time for some clarity for the writer, even if it takes the last half of the series to slowly filter out to your readers piece by piece.

And of course...there are clues already there and have been since the first book...


  1. I’m haunting Amazon UK several times a day till it drops. Then my husband and I will ignore each other for as long as it takes to read it, and then read it again. I’ve primed all my UK friends, even if you did say in in complimentary things about London in FM6 ;) Baked beans do belong in an English fry-up!

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  4. I can't imagine the Foul Mouth ever suffering from performance anxiety! 😂😂😂

    1. Well, I'm not King Henry, I just play him on Kindle.

  5. That’s going to be about 1am for us Brits, I think. I shall be delighted if I wake up tomorrow and it’s available! Pretty please - with ginger pubic sprinkles!

  6. Richard, when you get to be a parent, you get to a point when you just have to let your offspring go and just hope for the best... 😁

  7. Wow, you get some odd results when you search Amazon for "Everchanging Dilemma" before it has been released.

    I mean- myself and the Mrs. might ENJOY playing the Wingspan game, but....
