Friday, January 21, 2022

Encanto Hot Take

Surface Pressure > We Don't Talk About Bruno

Mini Editing Update:  So I was able to get a lot of work done on my back yesterday (that's what she said!) with the bed desk thingy I bought, so much work I'm officially brain dead tonight for the first time in forever (just all the Disney songs up in this post).  Feels good.

I have like...7 pages left to type in?  Although, AGAIN, typing in handwritten  pages like this is a bit like a second rewrite in itself since I'm changing half of it and adding and mixing all over the place.  But very close to done.  It's a whole chunk of new material to end this puppy too.  Should end up over 70k words.  A weird scenario, since now 90% of the novel is in its 4th draft, but 10% of the novel is in its 1st draft, so...some extra work to do there.  I have actually started my "Kindle" edit on the first 90% and I'm like 20% through?  Disney songs AND math, just what everyone hopes to read about at 9PM!

Point is:  progress continues and thank you bed desk thingy!


  1. Great! Looking forward to reading it.
    When, realistically and without pressuring yourself unduly, do you think you'll be ready to publish it? Have you got the jacket art yet?

    1. Late Feb/Early March as long as my back doesn't implode again. Let's see how much of a pretzel they turn me into during my first physical therapy appointment then I'll start thinking exact dates :)
