Thursday, January 27, 2022

Final "Everchanging" Stretch?

18 Month post surgery doctor appointments out of the way.  Still alive, yippy.  No panic attacks, yay?  Not stuck horizontal in bed today from the pain, double yay?

Physical therapy for my spine starts next week and sounds like that is a 2/3 times a week deal of pure torture, so we really have a small window to get this shit done!


We ARE mostly done at this point.  Rewrite is done, all in the computer, I've been working on the third draft and only have, I think, 12 pages left to get through which I plan to do tonight.  After that we have the last 3 chapters of the fourth draft on the Kindle.  They're generally smaller than what came before, with chapter 3 being by far the biggest in the novel by a large margin.  (Chapter titles are:  Everchanging Body, " Mind, " Soul, " Task, " Dream, and " World btw).

First 3 chapters are actually locked at this point outside of typos.  Done done DONE.

After the fourth draft we have formatting.  Shouldn't take too long.  Might write an author's note for the general audience about what I've been dealing with and why I vanished for a few years.  Or not, haven't decided.  Then, "also by" and copyrights and "about the author" and all that fun official stuff.

Then beta reading and, a couple weeks later, typing in those fixes/corrections.

Then release.

So...very close to having a release date for you.

Little more work!

After that?  Probably finishing WAR TO END ALL WARS.  More writing, less blogging.  VICKY VON WELF AND THE MANCY MASQUERADE is also half done.  I think.  Both those novels keep getting bigger the more work I put into them.

But...small morsel appetizer of The Crazy very soon, main courses in the oven baking away.

Update #1:  Rewrite third draft done, chapter four is locked, and now we sleep.  Closer still!

Update #2:  Fifth chapter locked, now...really to bed!

Update #3:  It done.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

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  2. Still here, cheering you on from Blighty!

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  4. Hell yes, I'm still here--love checking in to see your shenanigans behind the scenes.

  5. Still cheering you along from Australia. I've introduced you to as many people as I can and all have genuinely loved your work and itching to get a bit more KH in their lives.

  6. Still hanging in here to steal ideas... um... LEARN FROM... yeah, that's what I meant... your experiences. Infected another person with KH addiction a year or so ago... sadly, I don't talk to many people who actually read books.

  7. Looking forward to this. I just check in for updates now and then. Fun series. Would love an audio book version to listen to at work
