Sunday, January 2, 2022

Typing-As-Fast-As-I-Can-Before-Back-Rebels 2022 Update


2nd draft is done except for the ending rewrite, of which I've got one hand-written page and some sparse ideas and outlining.  I know the last!  VERY IMPORTANT!

3rd draft is 90/160 for the printed pages so far and 10 of those have been entered into the computer.  10 point font, wide margins explains the number difference from the 2nd draft by the way.  Very happy with this novel.  Should start hating it next draft, good sign!

4th draft will take place on the kindle after I format and do all the typing, etc.  That will probably be the last one and mostly be copy-editing and hate-filled cutting.

I'm finding that maybe I don't need as many edits as I used to, because I'm so aware of my first draft bad habits (you get an ellipsis and you get an ellipsis and everyone gets an ellipsis!), because the 2nd draft is so complete, and because the 3rd draft is so cut throat with cutting material.  I've already cut over 5 pages worth of stuff here or there, including some damn fine jokes you'll never get to hear, but they got in the way of the action, how dare they!

So, we make progress, release somewhere post Super Bowl in Feb seems possible.

Back is "better" but I still have a lot of trouble sitting or standing for long periods and reaching or lifting the arms up.  But the pain is tolerable with Tylenol and my trusty Biofreeze, especially if I take a day off once a week and get a solid 8 hours sleep every night to let it rest.

They want me to do physical therapy before any MRI gets done, so that's going to be some hours out of my schedule and I have 4 other appointments/procedures following up from the stomach surgery since we're hitting the 18 month mark.

As far as that goes, I'm down to 212 pounds and I'm no longer considered obese, just a normal fattie, so...yay?

After all that's done and EVERCHANGING DILEMMA gets out to you lot, I'll start hitting up the next couple books and if things go well you'll get one of those before the end of the year.  Or if I go goldfish brain you'll get both of them next year followed by FM7...finally...shut up!!!

Speaking about FM7, a while back I had a bit of an epiphany (which I casually mentioned) and it will no longer be "Runaway Rumble" which is now FM8 and "The Last True Dale" or FM10 will be moving up and also be renamed "The Most Obvious Trap".  I'll go into more detail on why later, but it's really smart stuff and should B happy about it.

And that's my back's limit still, love ya'll, let's have a great year and fuck Covid!!! 


Last time?

Please, 2022?

1 comment:

  1. I can't wait, but obviously your health comes first. Happy New Year to you and your family.
